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An Annotated Bibliography and Reference List of Musical Fiction

Since the earliest civilizations, a connection has existed between music and the literary arts. From the Old Testament and ancient Greek poets to the great operatic masterpieces of the nineteenth century, music and words have forged an inseparable bond. This relationship is not only seen in musical genres but in a prolific output of novels for adults and children that contain musical themes, characters, and/or settings.

This book is the result of many years of research into fiction that has this musical connection. Focusing on novels mainly from the twentieth century, this volume contains an extensive annotated list featuring works for adult, young adult and juvenile audiences and also represents a wide range of musical genre from classical to jazz to rap. Following the annotations, this book provides a comprehensive listing of all titles sorted by reading level and by musical genres to assist librarians, educators, and readers in finding the precise book for a given need or interest.


“… Kellie Brown has taken on the Herculean task of compiling a bibliography that will lead many music librarians to ask, “Why didn’t I do that?” Now that there is a bibliography, those of us with great interest in musical fiction should rejoice. Some of us have also found it daunting to decide how much music should be a part of the plot, character involvement, or setting for a book to be considered “musical fiction.” Dr. Brown has successfully taken on this challenge with great zeal. … Not content to compile a mere list of readings, Dr. Brown has put together selected annotations to assist the reader further in finding just the right author or title. Part II of this book enumerates by reading level and musical genre many more titles that will be of interest to readers and most helpful to librarians compiling suggested reading lists. The true value of Dr. Brown’s manuscript is in the thoroughness of her work. Users will find the carefully constructed annotations and the categorized lists by reading levels and musical genres to be a fine contribution to the study of music and literature and of special interest to the music librarian, music researcher, and student of literature.” – (from the Commendatory Preface) John R. Gibbs, Assistant Head, Music Library, University of Washington

“It is with great pleasure I recommend to you the book An Annotated Bibliography and Reference List of Musical Fiction by Dr. Kellie Brown. This book is thoroughly researched and well-written, and will fill a niche in readers advisory for public libraries … This book provides a tool for patrons wishing to combine a love of fiction and a love of music. This book will also allow our children’s programmers to find musical titles to aid in children’s story times and themes for summer reading programs. This will also be of great benefit to parents who homeschool their children. I recommend this book and author highly, and will encourage all of the libraries with which I am affiliated to purchase a copy of this title.” – Nancy R. Renfro, Director, Watauga Regional Library

“Having read Dr. Brown’s manuscript, I wholeheartedly recommend it for publication. In my thirty years as a music librarian, I have been waiting for a book such as this one! It is certainly a serious contribution to music bibliography and to music reference work …The value of Dr. Brown’s manuscript is in the thoroughness of her work, the carefully constructed and clear annotations, and the lists by reading levels and musical genres. In short, this is a work that will have a place on the reference shelves of any music library, a tool that will be used by music researchers, students of literature and literary criticism, as well as music librarians.” – John R. Gibbs, Assistant Head, Music Library, University of Washington

“It is with pleasure that I write this recommendation to publish Dr. Kellie D. Brown’s bibliography of music in fiction. I know of no other similar work, and I am certain that my public and academic librarian colleagues and avid fiction readers will find the book to be a valuable resource. … It is well-written and thorough. Professors, teachers, librarians, and the general reader will use it well, and I am excited at the prospect of being able to offer such a resource to the students and faculty at my institution.” – Laurel A. Whisler, Music Librarian, Furman University

Table of Contents

1. Annotated Bibliography
2. Literature by Reading Level and Musical Genre,
Adult (Accordion, Animals & Nature, Band, Brass Instruments, Choir, Classical Music, Composer/Songwriter, Conductor, Country/Western/Folk Music, Fantastical/Supernatural Music, Hip Hop/Rap/R&B, Jazz/Blues/Swing, Music Industry, Music Teaching & Learning, Opera, Orchestra, Organ, Percussion, Piano, Rock/Pop, Sacred/Christian, Singing, Stringed Instruments, Wind Instruments, World/International)
Young Adult (Band, Brass Instruments, Choir, Classical Music, Composer/Songwriter, Conductor, Country/Western/Folk Music, Fantastical/Supernatural, Hip Hop/Rap/R&B, Jazz/Blues/Swing, Music Industry, Music Teaching & Learning, Opera, Orchestra, Piano, rock/Pop, Singing, Stringed Instruments, Wind Instruments, World/International)
Juvenile (Accordion, Animals & Nature, Band, Brass, Choir, Classical, Composer/Songwriter, Conductor, Country/Western/Folk, Fantastical/Supernatural, Hip Hop/Rap/R&B, Music Industry, Music Teaching & Learning, Opera, Orchestra, Organ, Percussion, Piano, Rock/Pop, Sacred/Christian, Singing, Stringed Instruments, Wind Instruments, World/International)