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What is a Person? The Concept and the Implications for Ethics

Traces the philosophical, biological, and medical developments in the understanding and definition of personhood: from its beginnings in early Christian theology to an analysis of contemporary information, reports, and ethical evaluations.


". . . Doran's most interesting and carefully argued study will be turned to for the light it sheds . . . on the contemporary issues of in virto fertilization and embryo transfer. . . . recover[s] the emergence of the technical meaning of the word `person' in the trinitarian and christological controversies of the early ecumenical councils. . . . Those who normally shy away from metaphysical or philosophical reasoning may be surprised how decisively and succinctly Fr Doran cuts through the fog . . . providing the basis for a philosophical underpinning to the affirmations on the personhood of the conceptus to be found in the 1987 Vatican Instruction." _ Intercom

"This an excellent book that gives a clear exposition of the metaphysical concept of person. It would be useful for one who wishes to come to grips with the concept of person in the Christian tradition and its relevance for making right ethical decisions in a world where the absolute value of a person is subordinated to utilitarian criteria. . . . His chapter on in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer is excellent. . . " -- The Heythrop Journal