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La Historia Silenciada

Although Blacks played a significant role in Argentina’s formation, fighting in the revolutionary war of the nineteenth century and contributing greatly to construction of an Argentine cultural identity, they have all but disappeared from the country’s social map and few recall their place in the nation’s history. This revisionist study seeks to unearth the hidden history of Blacks in Argentina, looking at how Afro-Argentines, in the face of efforts to destroy their legacy, managed to create a cultural expression important to the understanding of present day Argentina. The study also analyzes the way in which certain figures in the nineteenth century brought about the silencing of Black voices and the amnesia that inevitably led to the contemporary ignorance regarding the contributions of Afro-Argentines to Argentine culture, society and history.


“This work by Professor Poosson, although excellent, is not the end of much great research that will reveal numerous lost details of the national character in the study of Argentina. In this sense, it is fair to say that every work of history is naturally a work in progress.” - Professor Fernando Operé, Department for Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Virginia

“Dr. Sylvain Poosson convincingly reminds us that history is a natural right of all, and that the task of writers is to document the history of everyone, especially those who have been - or who are going to be - left out by the ‘authorized historiographers’ ... Well written and researched, Dr. Poosson’s book is highly recommended for both faculty and students of Latin American history.” - Dr. H. Michael Tarver, Associate Professor of Latin American History, Arkansas Tech University

“Based on original interviews, published primary documents, and standard secondary sources, Dr. Poosson’s book will certainly open the critical readers’ eyes to a new experience ... [This book] unearths the hidden history of Blacks in Argentina and their contributions to Argentine culture, society, and history, from the slaves who fought in the revolutionary wars against Spain to the contemporary struggles of Black Argentines against racism and marginalization.” - Dr. Arturo Yañez, Professor of Languages, Universidad de Los Andes

Table of Contents

Foreword by Fernando Operé
Prólogo por Fernando Operé
1 Bases Históricas
2 Ideologías en La Construcción de la Argentina
3 El Negro, Ente Literario
4 Sarmiento El Africano
5 Amalia: Del Rosismo Al Racismo
6 ¿Qué Pinta El Negro Entre Los Indios Ranqueles?
7 La Gran Aldea: Progreso Y Decadencia
8 Elementos de Cultura Negra