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Landscape Poetry of Antonio Machado a Dialogical Study of Campos De Castilla

In much of Antonio Machado’s poetry, the Castilian landscape is more than merely the imagery or physical context necessary to convey the poet’s state of mind or emotion. The landscape is either protagonist or co-protagonist with man in the human experience communicated through the poetic utterance. It examines Campos de Castilla as a collection which communicates a quintessentially Castilian collective perceptual experience which relies heavily on sensory data. This study examines Machado’s poetry from a dialogical perspective, a reading which explores the experience of reading, and discusses the properties of Machado’s perceptual poetry in contrast with the non-perceptual referential system of linguistic signs characteristic of Romanticism. It explores the relations between the text, the participatory consciousness of the reader and the reader’s extratextual world.


"Krogh's study is well written and researched. His analysis of Machado's landscapr poetry discovers the intimate unity between lyrical poetry and landscape, indicating how this poetry refelcts into the relationship of a people and their landscape. In the Preface, Lorenzo-Romero points out that "essential in [the author's] view of the concept of landscape is that though humans make the landscape, the landscape also makes the human beings." This critical approach of Machado's poetry, giving particualr attention to the reading and the reader, is an original and important contribution to the existing criticism on this great modern Spanish poet." - Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies

Table of Contents

Foreword; Preface; Introduction
1. Landscape Poetry and the Collective Cultural Consciousness
2. Perceptual Poetry and Dialogism
3. Perceptual Landscape Connectives Between Poem and Reader: “Campos de Soria (CXIII)”
4. Referential Strategies in Campos de Castilla
5. Perceptual Poetry and the Dialogical Situation
6. The Role of Perceptual Referents in Poems with Human Protagonists within the Dialogical Strategy of Campos de Castilla
Index of Poems