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Le Juif Errant D’eugÈne Sue - Du Roman-Feuilleton Au Roman Populaire

Le Juif errant, published serially in Le Constitutionnel (1844-45) firmly established Eugène Sue as the king of the roman-feuilleton. This is the first substantial study on the novel, probably because of its clear political engagement and its reception, which polarized the French readers of the time. This book provides a detailed analysis of the text, which triggered the rise of mass-market literature in France, in broad social, political and cultural contexts. in French.


“A scandalous best-seller of the 1840s, Eugène Sue’s Le Juif errant took Europe and America by storm; printed in a variety of authorized and unauthorized newspapers, magazines, and books, it reached nearly a million readers in its first year of publication. The novel and its anti-clerical message shocked mid-nineteenth century society and spawned political debates, a spate of excommunications, and wide imitation by other artists ... In a deftly researched new book, Maria Adamowicz-Hariasz brings critical attention to Sue’s seminal novel while telling the story of its genesis, composition, and reception ... resuscitates the literary, historical, economic and political context of the mid-nineteenth century through analysis of original newspaper articles, essays, and correspondence ... This long-needed monograph about Le Juif errant will appeal to Sue specialists, scholars of the history of the periodical press, and readers interested in the ways in which serialization influences the writing process.” – Elizabeth Emery