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Mennonite Identity in Conflict

Mennonites form an excellent group for studying the struggle for identity because they still comprise one of the most markedly rural ethno-religious groups in North America but are urbanizing faster than most others: flocking to cities, universities, and professions. This study illustrates how they have survived, how they are changing, and how they have dealt with internal and external conflict in the process.


". . . focuses on a number of highly significant issues for Canadian and American Mennonites today." _ The Mennonite Quarterly Review

"This is a complex book. The notion that conflict leads to a purified identity is made in thirteen very different chapters. Each possesses its own theoretical framework and body of empirical data. . . . will stimulate debate among both theorists of ethnicity in Canada and historians of the Mennonites." _ Canadian Ethnic Studies

". . . will be of special interest to scholars investigating the impact of urbanization on the identity and social organization of traditional ethnic groups. For students of Anabaptist groups and for scholars interested in comparative analyses of the assimilation patterns of ethnic minorities, this collection will be indispensable." _ Donald B. Kraybill in Contemporary Sociology

". . . should be welcome to all who are concerned (perhaps troubled) by the future of Mennonites as they face the 21st century in the rapidly changing environments of Canada and the United States." _ Mennonite Weekly Review