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L’essayiste Roumain Émile Cioran A-T-Il ÉtÉ Un Fasciste AntisÉmite?: Un Effort Pour Le Comprendre Dans Le Contexte Nationaliste

This work disputes the theory applied by Pierre-Yves Boissau and Alexandra
Laignel-Lavastine to Cioran’s most controversial work, The Transfiguration of
. These French critics, and contemporaries of Cioran, argued that his works masked certain political ideas. This book, based on numerous Romanian translations, asserts an alternative perspective to Cioran and his work.


“Liliana Nicorescu’s rich and interesting study helps us to better understand the dark past and intellectual trajectory of Cioran’s writing and political sympathies in the thirties. The author’s youthful admiration for Cioran work is beautifully described.”
– Prof. Raymonde A. Bulger, Graceland University

Table of Contents

Author’s Abstract:
The aim of this study is to provide a more accurate interpretation Cioran's "Romanian" past. Without disputing the gravity of the young Cioran's points of view, I have tried to put his early work in the right context.

The book focuses on the political status and the doctrine of the Iron Guard, the most important far right movement in Romania in the 1930s. The literary context of the time provides a more comprehensive picture of the Jew as a literary figure and of the status of Romanian writers of Jewish origin. Far from being a "response", this book is a provocation: it is a more flexible perspective on the consequences of the political involvement of any intellectual.