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The Christian Essence of Spanish Literature: An Historical Survey

Surveys Spanish literature from 1100 to the present in order to reveal the subtle nuances of the Christian ingredient in the literature of various epochs of Spanish history. Shows how powerful, conflicting forces of secularization and supernaturalization are reflected in that literature.


"The work covers virtually every significant Spanish literary figure from the eleventh to the twentieth century and usually also includes a brief historical/biographical sketch of the writer as well as a review and analysis of the author's primary works. . . . this work can stand on its own merits as a fine reference work and synopsis for the past 1000 years of Spanish literature." -- Sixteenth Century Journal

"This survey of Spanish literature and the influence of Christian belief, from its beginnings to Cela, takes an appreciative rather than critical approach. . . . has the considerable advantage of bringing its subject to the attention of the English-speaking audience and including coverage of some lesser-known figures (Juan de Avila, Saavedra Fajardo, Campoamor, Sastre, etc.)" - British Bulletin of Publications

". . . of considerable significance to readers interested in literature from a religious perspective." _ Christianity and Literature