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Poems for the Man Who Weighs Light

Chronicles one poet’s journey through the valley of grief and beyond, up the stony incline toward spiritual recovery. As she learns to live without the physical presence of her closest friend and heartmate, she finds that those we lose through death do not abandon us. Indeed, they leave us gifts and signs, points of brightness all along the way, reminding us that they are somewhere nearby, loving us still.


". . . a rich midnight blue cover and pale-cream pages of elegant heavy paper, so right for a volume of poetry. There are 49 meaty well-crafted poems divided into three untitled sections. . . this lovely slim book is really a book of love poems. A radiant, undying love fills each page, and if it isn’t mentioned, the poem is built on it. Fear, pain, anger, resignation, remembrance, coping, and hope fill these pages, spilled out with consummate poetic skill. But what lingers most of all, is love." The Book Nook

"The trauma of losing a beloved mate produces a heightened capacity to absorb sights. . . recall sounds. . . and to remember through touch and smell. . . These are Mary O’Dell’s captured moments of pathos turned glorious." The Cherokee Roundtable News