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This book demonstrates that intellectual dissidence not only has existed since ancient times, but is a powerful force for change today. Chinese intellectuals are not always scholars of patience and endurance as they are known in the West. Some, like the three examined here, Fang Lizhi (a brilliant astrophysicist who in effect challenged the Party’s exclusive right to rule by calling for human rights and democracy), Liu Binyan (a muckraking journalist and professed Marxist who exposed the dark, bureaucratic side of Communist rule), and Yan Jiaqi (China’s foremost political scientist who argued that reforms in the political, economic, legal and cultural realm are interconnected and interdependent, and that Western ideas and institutions are applicable to and needed in China), have become leaders of movement for democracy.

Table of Contents

Table of contents (main headings):
1. Introduction
2. A Brief History of Chinese Intellectual Dissent: Pre-Liberation period (Hundred Days of Reform, the May Fourth Movement); Post-PRC Precedents (Hundred Flowers Campaign, The Cultural Revolution, The April Fifth Tiananmen Incident, The Democracy Wall Movement; Anti-spiritual Pollution Campaign, Anti-Bourgeois Liberalization Campaign, Pro-Democratic movement between Spring-Summer 1989)
3. Three Intellectual Dissidents and the Party: Fang Lizhi - “China’s Sakharov”; Liu Binyan – A Second Kind of Loyalty; Yan Jiaqui – A Foremost Political Reformer
4. An Analysis of the Intellectual Dissident Phenomenon in China: A Comparative Study of the Three Dissidents; The Party’s Treatment of the Intellectual Dissidents; Reasons for the Party’s Reaction; Historical and Cultural Traditions; Marxist-Leninist Ideologies; Bureaucratic Conservatism; Leadership Fears; Response to Events
The Future of Intellectual Dissidence in China
Bibliography; Index