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Names New and Old - Papers of the Names Institutevolume II Revised Second Edition

These essays tell the story of geographic, literary, personal and various other types of names. Information on names is offered chronologically from 1391 when the Vivaldi brothers navigated south of Gibralta (never to return) and ushered in the age of Portuguese discovery and the assignment of names to the West African coast, up to the present time and the ‘hip-lit’ names used in Bret Easton Ellis’s Less than Zero. There are also technical studies, such as the names of drugs in the world of street-Spanish, and the sound patterns of proper names in the English language. In addition to papers from the last seven of the Names Institute’s 25 years, this volume includes new and unpublished material. Volume One, Pubs, Place-Names and Patronymics is forthcoming from Mellen.

Table of Contents

Table of contents:
I: Geographic Names
Political Changes and New Names (Richard R. Randall)
Motive in Placenaming (Donald J. Orth)
Proto-Portugese Toponymics on the West African Coast in the Fifteenth Century (Benjamin Nuñez)
Promoting the Study of Names as a Scholarly Discipline in North America (Alan Rayburn)
The Rivalry of Names for the Rocky Mountains of North America (Allen Walker Read)
‘No Names’ in the United States (Robert M. Rennick)
Informal Names for Wealthy Neighborhoods in American Cities (Irving Lewis Allen)
Toponomy & Cultural History (Meredith F. Burrill)
II: Names in Literature
More Than Less Than Zero: The Onomastic Techniques of Bret Easten Ellis (Leonard R. N. Ashley)
Character Names in Jane Eyre and the War of Earthly Elements (Lynn Hamilton)
Names in Anna Seghers’ Revolt of the Fishers (Russell E. Brown)
Hypochondria and Charlatanism: Names in Molière’s Le Malade imaginaire (Betty J. Davis)
The Female Figure in Baltasar Gracián’s El Criticón (Catherine G. Rovira)
Trollope’s Use of Placenames in The Warden: Map of the Trollope Country (Vivian Zinkin)
Names Prime Evil: Fictional Heroes of Horror and Fear (Maxine M. Bernard)
III: Personal Names
Literary Names Mainstreamed as Given Names (Kelsie B. Harder)
Sex Differences in Linguistic Origins of Personal Names (Herbert Barry and Aylene S. Harper)
1991 Update on First-Name Frequencies
Single-Letter Surnames (Ross Eckler)
IV: Various Other Names
Street-Language Naming Practices in the Hispanic Drug and Underworld Cultures (Douglas P. Hinkle)
The Phonology of Proper Names in English (Roger W. Wescott)
Musical Names: The Titles of Symphonies (Walter P. Bowman)
Names, Nationality and the Incongruity Factor (Thomas Bernard)
The History of the Names Institute, 1980-1986 (E. Wallace McMullen)
Appendix: Abstracts and Topics of the Annual Programs of the Names Institute (1980-86); Programs; Postlude and Owari