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Freudian Poetics for Ibsen’s Theatre Repetition, Recollection and Paradox

This study offers a new, historically-based psychoanalytic approach to Ibsen’s plays, fashioning a Freudian poetics that stresses the dramatist’s formal technique rather than his unconscious fixations, the textual surface rather than the subtextual depths. Not only does this approach avoid the methodological briar-patch of the unconscious, it also offers insight into the paradoxical openness of Ibsen’s endings.

Table of Contents

Table of contents:
Acknowledgments, Note on Translations
Introduction (Toward a Conjunctive Psychoanalytic Criticism)
1. The 19th-Century Memory Crisis: Psychoanalysis and The Lady from the Sea
2. Between Repetition and Redemption: Catiline and Brand
3. Analysis Terminable and Interminable: A Doll House and Ghosts
4. Constructing the Primal Scene: The Wild Duck and Rosmersholm
5. The Politics of Confession: Hedda Gabler and The Master Builder
Conclusion: The Paradox of When We Dead Awaken
Endnotes, Bibliography, Index