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Paul’s Concept of Baptism and its present implications for Believers walking in the Newness of Life

The major contribution of this work is the rediscovery of the present implications of baptism for Paul. Paul's baptismal language relates to the central theme of his message, which is the proclamation of the Kerygma consisting of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ. These events which were the basis of believers' conversion experience and new life are lucidly portrayed in the rite of Christian baptism. Thus in his use of baptism, Paul pursues an argument that develops according to the inner logic of believers' experience.

Table of Contents

Table of contents:

Foreword, Preface

1.The Context of the Discussion

2.Paul's Jewish and Hellenistic Background and the conversion experience as the basis for the development of his distinctive view of Baptism

3.Baptismal Language in Romans 6:1-14

4.Baptismal Language in 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

5.Baptismal Language in Galatians 3:27-29

6.A Synthesis of Paul's Baptismal Language


Bibliography, Index of Authors, Index of Subjects