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Perspectives on the Social Gospel Papers from the Inaugural Social Gospel Conference at Colgate Rochester Divinity School

These essays address the important question of defining the term “social gospel”, showing that the social gospel, once seen as a clearly identifiable time period in American religious history, is not as easily defined as once thought, suggesting that it covers a broad spectrum of religious and theological traditions that can point beyond liberal Protestant and North American origins.

“. . . this collection seeks to give a more critical and fairer account of the Movement and to trace important continuities in later theology. Many who have read Rauschenbusch directly will welcome such a reassessment. . . . together they give a fresh and balanced perspective.” – Theological Book Review

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Preface by Max L. Stackhouse
Introduction: Defining the Target: Perspectives on the Social Gospel (Christopher H. Evans
1. Interpreting the Social Gospel: Reflections on Two Generations of Historiography (Ralph E. Luker)
2. The Social Gospel and Race in American Culture (Susan Curtis)
3. The Social Gospel and the American south: An Historiographical Appraisal (Stephen R. Prescott)
4. The Social Gospel at the Crossroads of Middle America: Washington Solomon Gladden and the First Congregational Church, Columbus, Ohio, 1882-1918 (C. George Fry)
5. Manifest Destiny, The Social Gospel and the Coming Kingdom: Josiah Strong’s Program of Global Reform, 1885-1916 (Wendy J. Deichmann Edwards)
6. The Prophetic Realism of Walter Rauschenbusch: A Comparative Study with Reinhold Niebuhr and Martin Luther King, Jr. (Thomas W. Simpson)
7. Called to a New Ethic: Walter Rauschenbusch and the Resuscitation of Vocation (Robert C. Trawick)
8. Culture, Class and Gender in the Progressive Era: The Social Thought of the Free Methodist Church During the Age of Gladden, Strong and Rauschenbusch (William Kostlevy)
9. Day-Dreams or Essential Christianity: The Emergence of the Social Gospel in British Methodism (Tim Macquiban)
10. Harry F. Ward, Social Gospel Warrior in the Trenches: The Social Gospel’s Staying Power During the War and Its Aftermath (David Nelson Duke)
11. Born Again in 1904: John R. Commons and the Social Gospel (Bradley W. Bateman)
12. Gifford Pinchot, the Conservation Movement and the Social Gospel (D. Keith Naylor)