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Americanisation and the Transformation of World Cultures Melting Pot or Cultural Chernobyl?

Essays include: Encountering America: Altered States (Phil Melling and Jon Roper); Powerful Transformations: Crevecoeur and the Emergence of Disciplinary Society (Timothy Conley); Asian Encounters with American Culture (B.K. Shrivastava); Americanisation: The Italian Case, 1938-1954 (David Forgacs); Rap and Hip Hop in France: The Americanisation of Popular Music in Europe (André J. M. Prévos); "Our Land on Foreign Soil" : The Iconography of American War Cemeteries in Western Europe (Ron Robin); Postwar Japanese Graphic Design: An Americanisation of Culture? (Jennifer Spoon); America on Record: Recorded Sound as an Agent of Americanisation (André Millard); Looks, Linguistics and Laughs: the Midatlantic Hybrid of Humour (Paul Wells); American TV Docudrama and the Americanisation of Popular Consciousness: a Case Study of Holocaust and Playing for Time (Albert Auster); Shooting Oneself in the Foot? Multiculturalists, Diversity and the Scapegoat Mechanism (Pierre Guerlain); The Fundamentalist Imagination in the New World Order (Phil Melling)