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History of Medicine Volume 1: Primitive and Ancient Medicine



"Both volumes [I and II] are well indexed and contain vast bibliographical references, useful to the American Scholar of the History of Medicine. Indeed, the footnotes are an absolute treat in themselves being miniature essays on a variety of fascinating topics. . . For rapid and extensive background material in the existence of medical practice in forms other than our own, the multivolume Mellen History of Medicine bespeaks great usefulness." - Newsletter of the Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia

"Primitive and Ancient Medicine represents a great amount of work, and it succeeds at its aim: to make physicians more familiar with the history of medicine. . . . the copious chapter endnotes and the 30-page index allow people access to the original data that form its basis. The book and its forthcoming companion volumes will be of interest to any person who enjoys medicine and history." - Robert Rietz, MD, MBA, PhD in Journal of the American Medical Association.

"One can only admire the breadth of coverage which P. Prioreschi has attempted in his book entitled Primitive and Ancient Medicine. The indefatigable author has, indeed, canvassed what is known about the elements and practice of medicine in the ancient world of China, India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Israel, and the pre-Columbian Americas. . . . As a survey of the field it is excellent. . . " - Andrews University Seminary Studies