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Poet Figure in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens: Disentangling the Multiplicity of Selves

Using a Jungian lens of inquiry, this work considers the artistic and psychological creation of imaginative selves (poet, poet figure, speakers, readers) and the psychic and concrete realities they assume in the poetry of Wallace Stevens.


“. . . thanks to this admirable study, the greater pleasures of reading Jung alongside Stevens are likely yet to come.” - Prof. David R. Jarraway, University of Ottawa

“This beautiful reading promises to contribute to the criticism and theory in Stevens studies and in the field of poetics.” – Prof. Mary Faraci, Florida Atlantic University

“This is a work of originality and insight, and after reading it, one will never read Stevens in the same old way again.” - Prof. Ken Keaton, Florida Atlantic University

Table of Contents

Foreword by Prof. David R. Jarraway
Introduction: Pysche’s Entryway into His “World of the Imagination”: An Approach to Wallace Stevens
1. Re-Mythologizing the Poet Figure: Wallace Stevens Poetry as Psychic Infection
2. Puer, Senex, and the Monkey in the Middle: Clothing the Poet-in-the-Bones
3. Traversing the Inner Landscapes of the Mind: The Mythic Journey in Walt Whitman’s “The Sleepers” and Wallace Stevens’s “Like Decorations in a Nigger Cemetery
4. The Poetics of Hesitancy: Liminally Erecting Soul, Self, and Imagination in Shakespeare, Keats, Yeats, and Stevens
5. Dying to Be Reborn: The Transformation Drive in William Carlos Williams’s “Spring and All,” Wallace Stevens’s “Metamorphosis,” and Thomas Pynchon’s “The Aqyn’s Song”
Conclusion: “Penetrating Again Toward the Less Apparent”