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Principles of Patristic Exegesis Romans 9-11 in Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine

Concentrates on the precise connection of Rom. 9-11 with the first eight chapters of Paul's letter by surveying the ways in which Pauline exegesis has been understood and represented in postpastristic exegesis.


". . . should be read by biblical exegetes as well as patristic scholars. It genuinely contributes to the current debate about the meaning of Romans. . . . These brief observations cannot begin to do justice to the fascination of Gorday's account of these three approaches to Romans. . . . [T]his is a remarkable piece of work for its competent mastery of modern exegesis of Romans as well as its patristic dimension. It is not merely fascinating but readable. . . . stimulating -- indeed, exciting." - Journal of Theological Studies

". . . an original and learned study, . . . a book to be read by students of the New Testament and exegetes, not only those interested in patristics." - Religious Studies Review ". . . other patristic scholars can also find a wealth of information here." - Vigiliae Christianae ". . . an excellent book, well reasoned and well researched." - Church History

". . . leads the reader carefully and clearly through the Romans commentaries of the three individuals [named in the subtitle]. The book is largely expository, and as such it has much to offer the scholar . . . . [T]he investigation is thorough and helpful for all those interested in the history of exegesis." - Journal of Biblical Literature

". . . a good example of the kind of changes that have been occurring in patristic studies over the past quarter of a century . . . . [It] attempts to appreciate patristic exegesis in its own historical and theological context." - Patristics