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Proposing a New Scientific Method and Biosocial Theory to Explain Western Society

Creates solid conceptual ground for a new start in biosocial theory because its method draws on two major episodes in the discovery of general theory: a method of comparison and classification, practiced explicitly in the Daltonian episode and tacitly in the Newtonian. The result, 'Compositional Theory', is used to interpret Western history and our present situation. The book raises timely issues not only for the philosophy of science and social science, but also for anyone concerned about the current ordeal of the modern outlook.


"Mervin Baker has taken on two ambitious tasks. First he proposes to explain how we got to where we are. Second, he develops a model to help us to understand where we are going. Along the way he has created a novel theory of sociological development. . . . Baker examines the macroscopic aspects of Western human society in terms of a model he calls a system of Additive Classification. Within this Additive Classification system he proposes an RDG (Recompositional Growth and Development) model to explain how forces come into play that can change social systems and structures." - Dr. Arthur J. Carlson

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. What Needs Explaining
2. A Theory of Growth: Innovation, Growth and Obsolescence
3. Social Growth: What it Has to be an Institutionalization Process
4. Freeing Up the Sticky Control: How the West Escaped the Trap of Military Empire
5. Decontrol in Modern Society: A Unique Combination of Social Controls
6. A Recap for Reformers
7. Reform Proposals
Appendix A: Definitions for the Special Additive Classification
Appendix B: A Method for the Discovery of General Theory
Notes, Bibliography, Index