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Psychology of the Grotesque in August Strindberg’s the Ghost Sonata

In addition to a comprehensive Jungian analysis of the play, this study provides a psychological definition of the grotesque which may be used as a critical model for other literary works that involve a grotesque vision.

Table of Contents

Table of contents:

Part 1: The Critical Method

1.Toward a Definition of the Grotesque

2.Puer and Senex Grotesquerie

Part 2: Textual Analysis

3.Puer Grotesquerie: the Collapse of the Child's House

4.From Shadow to Sun: The Culmination of Puer Grotesquerie

5.Senex Grotesquerie: The Culmination of Puer Grotesquerie

6.Jacob's Struggle: The Collapse of the Father's House

7.Anima as Mirror: Narcissistic Reflections Toward Wholeness

8.Falling Through the Mirror: The Culmination of Senex Grotesquerie

9.Other Theories of the Grotesque

List of Works Cited