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Jonathan Edwards on the Environment. The Relevance of the Thought of Jonathan Edwards to Our Current Environmental and Ecological Concerns

This is the first attempt to correlate the development of Jonathan Edwards’ thinking with the psychological stages and social conflicts in his life, but, the primary purpose of the author is to provide a comprehensive statement about Edwards theology and to show how it influenced the later politics of American Society.

Table of Contents

Jonathan Edwards & The Wilderness
One Hope for Escape from the Cage
-David Williams
Beauty & Redemption as a Thread in American Philosophy
-David White
The Transcendentalist Deduction of Goodness from Beauty
-John N. Martin
The End of the World: Edwards on the Apocalypse & the Environment
-Kenneth P. Minkema
Jonathan Edwards: On the Beauty of Creation & Seeing Things as They Be”
-M. Darrol Bryant
”Abusing Nature”: A Manuscript Sermon
-M.X. Lesser
The Contemplative Nature of Jonathan Edwards’ Personal Narrative
-Darryl Robert Frayne
A God-Haunted World:
An Edwardsean Rationale for Saving the Creation
-Robert L. Boss
The Tenth Muse & Jonathan Edwards
-Robert A. Hall
John Woolman – Quaker Divine:
How the Reflections from His Journal Might Inform Our Environmental Decisions
-Michael D. Thompson