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Robert Bellah's Theory of American Civil Religion: The Scholarly Criticism and Debate (Softcover)

This book contains the collection of papers from the 1973 Drew University conference that made famous Robert Bellah's concept of "American Civil Religion."


"Professor Herberg identified the emergence of a social religion of Americanism (Protestant, Catholic, Jew, etc.) But it was Robert Bellah, his younger contemporary, who coined the name for the development that Herberg has identified. Bellah called this development 'American Civil Religion'."
From the Publisher's Foreword

Table of Contents

List of Contributors


1. The Civil Religion Debate, Donald G. Jones and Russell E. Richey

I. Theme

2. Civil Religion in America, Robert N. Bellah
3. The "Nation with the Soul of a Church", Sidney E. Mead
4. American Civil Religion: What It is and Whence it Comes, Will Herberg
5. An American Sacred Ceremony, W. Lloyd Warner

II. Method

6. A Historian's Approach to Civil Religion, John F. Wilson
7. Two Kinds of Two Kinds of Civil Religion, Martin E. Marty

III. Criticism

8. Civil Religion in Theological Perspective, Herbert Richardson
9. The Origins of Perplexity: Civil Religion and Moral Belief in the Thought of Thomas Jefferson, David Little
10. Civil Rights - Civil Religion: Visible People and Invisible Religion, Charles H. Long
11. The Uncivil Response of American Writers to Civil Religion in America, Leo Marx

IV. Response

12. American Civil Religion in the 1970s, Robert N. Bellah

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