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Shakespeare and the Matter of the Crux: Textual, Topical, Onomastic, Authorial, and Other Puzzlements

Deals with the identification of Love's Labour's Won, a play long "missing" from the Shakespeare canon; the Master W.H. controversy; and the issue of the crux of cruxes, that in Henry V.


"I have read a good many pages and have been impressed by the job [Fleissner] has done." - Dr. Giles Dawson, Folger Shakespeare Library

"...contributed significantly to the debates . . . . It will become a basic guide for future work in each of the areas he examines, and constitute a considerable bibliography of the topics." - Dr. Nicholas Ranson, editor of Ideological Approaches to Shakespeare

". . . It is good to see collected in one place all the traditional textual cruxes, and several new ones, that have befuddled us in various texts and performances over the years. . . . Fleissner's broad and fine nuances take us closer to the open aesthetic possibilities of performance, those moments of spontaneity, serendipity, or conscious subversion of the text when directors and actors take accidental or willful liberties with the text. . . . The textual mysteries and vagaries that Fleissner unearths reveal Shakespeare's texts as the verbal equivalent of jazz scores. . . " - James R. Andreas, editor of The Upstart Crow: A Shakespeare Journal

". . . the most comprehensive and copiously documented survey of the subject. To my knowledge, no other scholar as brought together, examined, and tried to solve so many Shakespearean riddles between the covers of one volume. . . . Sometimes close reading yields astonishing fruit. . . . Fleissner has vigorously exercised his powers of analysis, interpretation, and deduction, and I invite you to do likewise as you pursue his labyrinthine argument to its conclusion." - Dr. Alfred Dorn, from the Foreword

". . . here brings together the work of former scholars, which he supplements with his own writings, clarifying or solidifying earlier attempts to resolve these cruxes. To these he adds his own new insights and evidence. . . . These cruxes shall continue to provoke scholars; yet I venture to claim that no scholar will approach them with a closer scrutiny or more consistent dedication than Professor Fleissner." - Names