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An Annotated Edition of Victor Klemperer's Lti Notizbuch Eines Philologen

This book makes available in one volume the German text of Klemperer's seminal and still controversial analysis of the influence of National Socialist ideology on the German language, first published in 1947, along with an English-language editorial apparatus which enables the reader to set Klemperer's comments in their biographical, historical, cultural, and socio-political context. The notes and commentary draw on the latest research into the complex and much-debated relationship between National Socialist ideology and the German language. The original German text has been retained, precisely because so many aspects of the German language associated with the Third Reich, be they semantic, morphological, or even stylistic, are so deeply rooted in German culture and so intimately colored by the expressly stated program of the National Socialist propaganda machine to manipulate German for its own ideological aims, that they are effectively untranslatable. Provides a wealth of insights for sociolinguistics, philosophers of language, histories of the Third Reich, and those with an interest in twentieth-century German literature.


"He skillfully hits the right balance between too much and too little, condensing, sifting and absorbing; his decision to give cross-references in the notes to major items under discussion is admirable. Dr. Watt is to be congratulated on stalking Klemperer's text, elucidating it and, whilst eschewing a full discussion of the more controversial elements, admitting their existence. He has given students of German an invaluable guide, one which is eminently reliable and accessible." - R. S. Furness