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Skin Color as a Post-Colonial Issue Among Asian-Americans

Local schools of thought dominated by the Black/White dichotomy have failed to take notice of the growing Asian presence in American life. The study of Asian-Americans in the post-colonial era can be neither understood nor assessed without a universal frame of reference. This study gives insight into the implications of skin color for Asian-Americans, characterizing the taboo concept of hierarchy as manifested on the basis of skin color.


"... There is nothing wrong with scholars of color writing about issues that concern same, nor do their subjective interpretations of the issues invalidate or discredit their findings.
In fact, the African-, Native-, Latino- and Asian-Americans’ interpretations of any issue give the reader a broader and more dynamic perspective ... To write about racial issues without being “over rational” and sorting our true common sense and wisdom from the proceduralized methods and acceptable practices of garnering truth most appreciated by the mainstream leaves scholars of color between a rock and a hard place. Thus, questioning whether to tell mainstream, Euro-America that the emperor is truly naked remains a daunting task. It is the objective of this work to meet and overcome the formidable challenges of such a task." - Professor Jonathan Livingston,Michigan State University

Table of Contents

Table of contents:
Preface; Introduction
1. Skin Color
2. The Sport of Color
3. Psychological Colonization
4. The Bleaching Syndrome
5. Asians’ Color Bias: Survey in the Philippines
6. Eurogamy
7. What Asian-American Women Say
8. Eurasian Identity
9. Racism via Skin Color
10. Are Asians Racist?
11. Beyond Race
12. Conclusion
Bibliography; Index