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Credible Fiscal Policy Commitments and Market Access. Case Studies of Argentina, Chile and Mexico, 1980-1995

This study presents a fresh look at a vexing question confronting policy makers in emerging democracies – how to finance growth. It captures the institutional and policy choices governments make to access private market financing, closing a gap in understanding the relationship between credible fiscal policy commitments and public finance capacity. It analyzes data in three cases: Argentina, Chile, and Mexico. It will be of interest to scholars in the fields of international political economy, comparative public policy, international finance, and Latin American studies.


“This book makes both theoretical and empirical contributions to the field of comparative public policy…. relies on qualitative and quantitative comparison to examine the effects of budget institutions and fiscal policy choices. It explains how a government’s access to the international sovereign debt market can translate into a greater capacity to finance expenditures that contribute to a nation’s economic growth…. Develops a robust theoretical model by synthesizing the economic and historical-institutional approaches to public policy and incorporates elements of the advocacy coalition model to frame the political dimension of institutional choice. Furthermore, a qualitative comparison of the budget institutions and fiscal choices adopted by Argentina, Chile, and Mexico from 1980-1995 uncovers variance in market access in spite of similar historical political cultures, and political institutions….policy makers could apply the comparative method of this study to evaluate budget institutions, fiscal policy choices, and conflicting domestic fiscal commitments.” – Dan A. Cothran, Northern Arizona University

Table of Contents

Table of contents (main headings):
Preface; Introduction
1. The Political Economy of Institutional Choice
2. Choice and Institutions
3. A Conceptual Mode of Institutional Choice: Comparing Cases – Argentina, Chile, and Mexico (1980-1995)
4. Comparing Cases: Qualitative Analysis (Politics of Precision; from Crisis to Reform; Policy choices and Capital flows, Politics of Budgeting and Conflicting commitments; Public Finance Trends; Political Costs and Benefits of Fiscal Restraint)
5. Comparing Cases: Quantitative Analysis (Variables, Data and Analysis; Empirical Results)
6. Summary of Findings
Appendices; Bibliography; Index