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New Era in Educational Leadership - One Principal, Two Schools

Principals are in short supply in Ontario, in Canada, and across North America. This book will help teachers, educational administrators understand why schools have been “twinned” (one principal leading two or even three schools) in Ontario and elsewhere, as well as the benefits and challenges associated with twinning. In order to prepare aspirant principals appropriately for their positions, they should be privy to an integral part of their work – the complexities of being a twinning principal.


“The book reviews and summarizes the currently available literature regarding twinned schools from Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom….a very worthwhile addition to the previously available literature. The result is a very balanced picture of the currently known advantages and disadvantages of twinning schools, and a summary of what we know and don’t know….It effectively describes the effects of twinning on the role of the principal, and discusses various stages from planning to twin schools through three stages of development into an integrated school on two or more sites. The final chapter gives thoughtful and grounded recommendations based on current knowledge for those involved in a school twinning project. It is a very straightforward, easy to read books with a lot of useful information and insights.” – LeRoy E. Whitehead, PhD, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy, Queen’s University

“The stock of twinned schools is rising – not just in Ontario, but also all across Canada and in America. Increasingly, they are seen by urban as well as rural authorities as a practical way to shrivel costs, win benefits in efficiency, and confront a shortage of educational administrators…. Ruth Rees’ manuscript is nothing less than a cogent, thorough, and balanced handbook for those who contemplate – or who have to live with – such a step. Offering a bunch of clearly and concisely put ideas for authorities, skill-needing educators, and concerned parents, this book easily looms as the decade’s definitive account of problems and opportunities with this phenomenon.” – Richard Townsend, Emeritus Professor, Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education/ University of Toronto

“Rees provides rich historical and contextual information….As a leader within the world of educational administration herself, Rees speaks with credibility. Her work is simultaneously visionary and long-term….The book should be read by administrators on many levels since Rees brings an important issue to the table for explicit examination and informed discussion. The book is highly readable. It is well-sequenced, written in accessible language and its examples are well-substantiated…. Hers is a true example of translating theory into practice, since the last chapter is devoted to the articulation of a manageable set of actionable recommendations.” – Lynda Colgan, PhD, Assistant Professor of Education, Queen’s University

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Why Twin Schools?
3. Description of Twinned Schools
4. Advantages of Twinning Schools
5. Types of Resource Sharing
6. The Economics of Twinning
7. Challenges for Twinned Schools
8. Principals of Twinned Schools
9. Planning to Twin Schools
10. Recommendations for/before Twinning Schools
Appendices: Ontario Directors’ Questionnaire; Ontario Principals’ Questionnaire
Bibliography; Index