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Wesleys in North America. The Mission that Failed ( February 1736- December 1737 )

Describes the enormous failure that John and Charles Wesley experienced at the beginning of their ministry during their missionary journey to Georgia and South Carolina in 1736-1737. The date of the voyage predates their 1738 evangelical conversion. The author argues that the Wesleys were able to learn from their failure, from this experience and developed new and continuously successful later careers in ministry. Though the genre of the book is a monograph it is filled with direct quotations that give it the feel of a primary source.


This book has been nominated for the Sattlebag Award by the Historical Society of the United Methodist Church.
Dr. Rogal is one of the leading historians of Methodism in the world today. Dr. Rogal has devoted his lifetime to the editing of Methodist primary sources.

Table of Contents

1. Prefatory Note
2. The Oxford Dons
3. The Call to Mission: Georgia and South Carolina
4. The Voyage (October 1735- February 1736)
5. The First Year (1736)
6. The Second and Final year (1737)
7. The Journey Home
8. Critical Reaction: The Nineteenth Century to the Present
9. The Mission that Failed
10. Appendix: A Listing of Places Visited by the Wesleys in North America
11. Works Cited and Consulted
12. Index of Biblical References and Citations
General Index