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Student Teaching in the Choral Classroom. An Investigation of Secondary Choral Music Student Teachers' Perceptions of Instructional Successes and Problems as They Reflect on Their Music Teaching

A guide to educating those who teach choral music in the classroom, this text provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the relevant literature, drawing on qualitative methodologies to collect and interpret primary source data. Student-teacher portraits are provided as examples. The author presents a convincing argument for assigning a special role to the development of reflective capacities and to image construction in the process of becoming a teacher, and her recommendations for music teacher education and research are thorough and developed.


"As a music teacher educator, reading this study has provided me with new ways for observing and guiding student teachers. . . . through her exposition and interpretation of the case studies, Dr. Stegman presents a convincing argument for assigning a central role to the development of reflective capacities and to image construction the process of becoming a teacher. . . Teacher educators and cooperating teachers will benefit greatly from reading this study; its narratives and findings will most likely modify if not transform the ways in which we guide and nurture the personal growth and professional development of novice teachers. . . . provides a comprehensive in-depth review and analysis of literature pertaining to her topic. . . draws on qualitative methodologies to collect and interpret primary source data. . . . The student teacher portraits, similar to the review of literature, can be read and used independently of the rest of the study.. . . . Each portrait is intriguing and offers unique insights into novice teacher development. . . . In keeping with the quality of the other parts of the study, the writer's recommendations for music teacher education and research ore thorough and developed. Teacher educators in general have much to benefit by reading Dr. Stegman's recommendations." – Dr. Marie McCarthy

"Dr. Stegman grounds this study solidly in three bodies of research literature: studies of teacher thinking, of reflection in teacher education, and of the process of learning to teach. Her findings contribute to the knowledge base in all three areas. She also relates her study to important research about teacher images, modeling, and metaphor. . . . provides, through her discussions of her dual roles as supervisor and researcher, a thoughtful and useful model for others who work with beginning teachers. . . . makes an important contribution to the limited research in the specialized field of music teacher education. . . . Her finding of a possible link between the clarity of a student teacher's image of ‘teacher as facilitator of music-making and learning' and the clarity of that student teacher's aural image of choral (and, by implication, instrumental) sound is an especially intriguing possibility for further research." – Dr. Margaret Schmidt

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

List of figures and appendices, preface


2.Review of Related Literature


4.Student Teacher Portraits

5.Cross-Case Analysis

6.Conclusions and Recommendations for Music Teacher Education and Research

Reference, Appendices