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Dramaturgas PuertorriqueÑas De 1990 a 2010

This work presents the new generation of Puerto Rican women playwrights (both from the Island and the Diaspora), and critically examines their works in light of postcolonial theories. It focuses primarily on the notions of identity (sexual, racial, transnational/ transcultural), and gender construction. In Spanish


"Definitivamente, este libro es una provocación para continuar la importante labor de dar visibilidad a los aportes de las mujeres en el teatro puertorriqueño." - Prof. Jessica A. Gaspar Concepción, Universidad de Puerto Rico-Cayey

"This new book makes a significant contribution to scholarship on contemporary Puerto Rican women dramatists, since it deepens the understanding of both Puerto Rican culture and gender identity. It will become a starting point for all research on contemporary Puerto Rican women playwrights, both from the island and the diaspora." - Prof.Percio Castro, University of Dayton

"Sara Rosell's work is a well-documented and original analysis of these texts according to the most recent discussions on Puerto Rican cultural identity. In applying these theories to women playwrights, the author explores how, in the construction of the Puerto/Nuyorricanidad, these works reveal the construction of multiple identities and marginality and how they establish the interrelationship of national, cultural and gender identity. This book constitutes a valuable contribution to the scholarly world and introduces an area in which to continue research on this new generation of women writers." - Prof. Luis Linares, University of Iowa

Table of Contents

Prólogo by Jessica Gaspar Concepción
Preface by Jessica Gaspar Concepción
Capítulo I
La dramaturgia femenina en el marco del teatro puertorriqueño
Capítulo II
Relaciones de género, cuerpo y reprosexualidad
Capítulo III
De la territorialidad a la transnacionalidad
Capítulo IV
Familia, identidad cultural y construcción de género en la representación de la puerto/nuyoricanidad
Capítulo V
Entrevista a diez dramaturgas Bibliografía