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Short Stories of Detlev Von Liliencron Passion, Penury, Patriotism

This is the first critical study in English of Liliencron’s short stories. Chiefly known for his poetry, he also wrote a substantial number of prose works. This study examines sixteen of his short stories under four thematic headings: love and infatuation, death and suicide, poverty and debt, war and patriotism. An Appendix includes the German texts of the short stories, thus making accessible these stories which are currently not widely available, enabling the reader to refer immediately to the primary material.


“In her commentary she leads us expertly along some of the less-frequented but fascinating byways of turn-of-the-century German literature and through the strange, pathological recesses of Liliencron’s unhappy mind. . . . I have also been struck by the skill with which she brings out the curious mixture of Realism, Impressionism, and Modernism that characterizes the work of this unusual and restless writer.” – W. N. B. Mullan

“. . . a very useful introduction to the works of Liliencron for the new reader and, in addition to engage with texts in a very thoughtful and stimulating way, thus offering the more knowledgeable reader valuable information and insights. It is therefore both a competent survey and a well-informed investigation of this writer’s works.” – Sheila Dickson

Table of Contents

Table of contents:
Foreword, Preface
1. Detlev von Liliencron: Life and Work of a Conservative Bohemian
2. Love and Infatuation: Hetzjagd; Vor Tagesanbruch; Das Richtschwert aus Damaskus; Greggert Meinstorff
3. Death and Suicide: Auf der Marschinsel; Schmetterlinge; Die Mergelgrube; Durchkämpft
4. Poverty and Debt: Der gelbe Kasten; Das Ehepaar Quint; Der Buchenwald; Der Dichter
5. War and Patriotism: Adjutantenritte; Der Narr; Verloren; Umzingelt
6. Conclusion.
Appendix I: chronologcal Table of Liliencron’s Life and Work
Appendix II: German text of the stories examined in chapters 1-5