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Solving Some Enigmas of the Middle Ages. The Historian as a Detective

Examines historical problems encountered on topics from eleventh-century France, England, and the Crusader East, and to a lesser degree from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. These topics include works of art - the Eleanor of Aquitaine vase, the celebrated Bayeux Tapestry, a sixteenth century poem and painting - to inquiries about individual people, such as the first troubadour poet.


“Each study embodies the spirit of a master detective-historian, and each deserves close reading by the novice as well as seasoned historian for its stimulating reassessments.:-Prof. Theodore Evergates, McDaniel College.

"Each article or set of articles considers an historian's puzzle. It gazes on the historian at work, the historian wrestling with evidence like a detective is something I want to try to share with my grad students and I certainly will expose them to one of these enigmas... The selections are presented in roughly chronological order for the topics themselves, rather than in order of publication, so that their significance one to the next is more easily seen. There is much inspiration in this volume for all of us willing to follow in George Beech's footsteps in carefully deconstructing and disrupting traditional assumptions. An excellent model of keen scholarship and a good read. Bravo!"
Constance H. Berman University of Iowa

Table of Contents

List of Photos

List of Maps, Chart and Drawing




The Eleanor of Aquitaine Vase, William IX of Aquitaine, and Muslim Spain

Gesta: International Center of Medieval Art, XXXII/1, (1993)

The Eleanor of Aquitaine Vase: Its Origins and History to the Early Twelfth Century

Ars Orientalis, XXII, 1994

The Origins of the Vase Reexamined

The Function of the Vase

The Passage to Western Europe

Troubadour Contacts with Muslim Spain and Knowledge of Arabic: New Evidence Concerning WilliamIX of Aquitaine 43 Romania, 113 (1992-95)

The Attribution of the poems of the Count of Poitiers to William IX of Aquitaine

"L'attribution des poemes du comte de Poitiers a Guillaume IX d'Aquitaine, " Cahiers de civilisation medievale, 31 (1988)

Queen Mathilda of England (1066-1083) and the Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu in the Auvergne

Friihmittelalterliche Studien, 27 (1993)

Appendix: Passages from the "Vitae Adelelmi" on the English queen episode: The shorter Vita and The longer Vita

England and Aquitaine in the century before the Norman Conquest

Anglo-Saxon England, 19 (1989)

Aquitanians and Flemings in the Refoundation of Bardney Abbey (Lincolnshire) in the later Eleventh Century

The Haskins Society Journal, I (1989)

The Participation of Aquitanians in the Conquest of England 1066-1100

Anglo-Norman Studies: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1986, ed. R. Allen Brown, (Woodbridge, Suff. 1987)

Saint-Florent of Saumur and the Origin of the Bayeux Tapestry 227 Francia,33/ (2006)

Could Duke Phillip the Good of Burgundy have owned the Bayeux Tapestry in 1430?

Revue Beige de Philologie et d'Histoire, 83 (2005)

An "old" Conquest of EnglandTapestry (possibly The Bayeux) owned by the rulers of France, England and Burgundy (1396-1430)

Revue Beige de Philologie et d'Histoire, 83 (2005)

A Conquest of England Tapestry in Paris (1396-late 1420s)

The Likelihood of the Identity of the Conquest of England Tapestries of Paris (1396 - 1420s) and of Phillip of Burgundy (1430)

The passage of Bedford's Conquest Tapestry to Phillip of Burgundy

The possibility that the Burgundy Conquest Tapestry of -04 1430 was the Bayeux Tapestry

Bayeux treasury inventory 1476

The Naming of England 1014-35

History Today, Oct. 2007

How Angleterre came to be the French country name for England in the eleventh-century

Beitrage zur Namenforschung, 43, (2008)

A Norman-Italian Adventurer in the East, Richard of Salerno 1097-1112

Anglo-Norman Studies, XV (1993)

The Biblical David as Role Model in the early eleventh-century Latin narrative, the Conventum of Aquitaine

Foi chretienne et eglises dans la societe politique de I'Occident du Haul MoyenAge (IVe-Xe siecles), Cahiers de Finstitut d'anthropologie juridique, No. 11, ed. J. Hoareau-Dodinau and P. Texier, (Limoges, 2004)

Introduction to two articles about the funeral of Love

A Painting, a Poem, and a Controversy about Women and Love in Paris in the 1530s.

By Beatrice H. Beech and George T. Beech

The Sixteenth Century Journal, XXXIV, No. 3 (2003)

"Les Obseques D'amour": A Poem of 1546 and a Parisian Controversy About Women and Love.

By Beatrice H. Beech and George T. Beech

"Les Obseques d'Amour, un poeme de 1546 et une controverse Parisienne sur les femmes et Famour." La Revue du seizieme siecle, (2005) No. 1

The Lyon Edition of 1545

The Paris Edition of 1546

L'affaire des Dames de Paris

Parisian Women Named in the Panegyric and the Earlier Poems

Jeanne de Marnef s Changes in the Lyon Edition of 1545

The Interpretation of "Les Obseques D' amour"

Clement Marot' s Quest for Ferme Amour

The "Obseques" and the Querelle des Amyes

Appendix: "Les Obseques d'Amour"

