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Translation of Weininger’s Über Die Letzten Dinge (1904/07)- On Last Things

Weininger (1880-1903) is generally considered the epitome of fin de siécle Vienna's decadence, & a huge influence on many cretinous minds of his age. Steven Burns translates his posthumous collection of essays, On Last Things, into English for the first time, arguing that it reveals much of the milieu that is of interest to history, the arts, criticism, sociology & psychology; is important to academic philosophers because Ludwig Wittgenstein read it; & has merit in its own right as bearing precocious genius & intense moral commitment.

Table of Contents

Table of contents:
Preface by Allan Janik; Introduction by Steven Burns
Selected Bibliography
1. Peer Gynt and Ibsen (Remarks on the erotic, hate and love, crime, and the ideas of father and son)
2. Aphoristic Remainders (The psychology of sadism and masochism, of murder, remarks about ethics, original sin, etc. )
3. Characterology (Seekers and Priests: Schiller, and Fragments about Wagner and Parsifal)
4. The Unidirectionality of time and its ethical significance, with speculation about time, space, and the will)
5. Metaphysics (the idea of a universal symbolism, animal psychology, psychology of the criminal, etc)
6. Culture and its relations to believing, fearing and knowing
7. Final Aphorisms
Appendix: letters to friends