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The Structures of Everyday Life in Japan in the Last Decade of the Twentieth Century

This study covers parameters such as language, family, education, sports, bathing, pollution, and politics. It analyzes the the structures of the smallest social unit, the family, to examine the values the Japanese attach to everyday human relations. Examines the family in transition, and the structures of societal relations, sports, youth, politics, and educations. Theorizes and clarifies the dynamism of the life of an average Japanese. The novella at the end of the book, This Burden on My Shoulders, presents a group of young persons confronting the problems of adulthood: love, sex, education, business, etc..


". . . brilliantly interrelates Japanese and Western soci-cultural modes, and provides techniques of explication that are distinctive and highly innovative. . . . has immense value both as a teaching text, to introduce Japanese culture to students, and also for the specialist in comparative culture and society. . . . one of the most brilliant analyses of contemporary Japanese culture and society I have read to date. Not only will this book stand admirably in the company of major classics in its field: it will initiate new directions in the study of inter-cultural discourse. . . . Once in a generation a book sets a standard by means of which all subsequent research in its areas will have to be measured: this is the book for our generation." -- Ila Goody