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Dance and the American University

This work traces the history of the university in western culture from its origins in medieval Europe to its evolution in America with a focus on events and circumstances that made possible the inclusion of dance as an academic discipline. It then examines the development of dance in higher education from the inception of the first program at Teachers College, Columbia University in 1913 to the present. With illustrations.


“An astute history of the integration of dance into colleges and universities, this volume will interest all students of dance and should be required reading for anyone aspiring to teach dance in academia.” – CHOICE

“. . . a sophisticated, historical journey through the rise of dance in higher education. The superbly documented work is a fascinating read from start to finish . . . . This text serves well as both a historical overview and a boundless research source. It is loaded from cover to cover with interesting facts, details, stories, trivia and historical connections missing from many dance resources in use today. This insight and saturation of information will make this an invaluable work and a ‘must have’ on very dance educator’s shelf.” – Tressa Gorman Crehan “. . . brings together much heretofore scattered references and little known facts about influential educators and artists and their effect upon dance in higher education. The book addresses historical trends and their eventual effects on current dance education. This has been an unexplored area of dance research and badly needed in the field. Dr. Hagood has attained access to unusual documentation and interviews which have been incorporated in the book. . . .This book will contribute significantly to the depth and breadth of dance history research, specifically in education, It is an excellent and unique contribution.” – Janice Gudde Plastino

Table of Contents

1. Origins of the University in Western Culture
2. Dance in 19th Century America
3. Dance in America – 1895-1925: Becoming Art and Business; First Programs in Higher Education
4. The Wisconsin Idea of Education
5. Establishing an American Modern Dance: 1926-1940
6. Discourse on Dance 1930-40
7. The National Section on Dancing: 1930-50
8. Dance and Higher Education in the 1950’s
9. American in the 1960’s: A Culture in Transition
10. The 1970’s “Dance Boom” in Higher Education
11. From “Boom” to “Bust”: the Struggle for Survival in the Corporate Dance in the Corporate University: 1985-1990
12. Dance Scholarship in Transition
13. Experiments with Change in the Dance Program