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Professionalization of Exercise Physiology: Certification, Accreditation, and Standards of Practice of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists (asep)

This book is written to inform and to help students and exercise physiologists think and reflect on the many issues, challenges, management, and visionary thinking that the profession embraces today.


“Exercise physiology is evolving and will continue to do so for a long time to come. This is the natural progression of things evident in most established professions. The chapters in this textbook represent a partial record of the change process. All professions are unfinished to some degree. The important point here is that a collection of individuals, usually members of a professional organization, are continually in pursuit of better procedures, guidelines, and policies.” – Prof. Todd Comstock, Town, WI

“Dr. Boone’s book addresses the pressing issues that influence the credibility and acceptance of exercise physiologists as healthcare professionals. To ensure the reader gets the full story of the underlying events, he discusses the past to bring current issues and trends into perspective. Also, given the myriad of topics discussed by the author, he does an excellent job of managing politics with realism while seeking solutions that work.” – Prof. Frank Wyatt, Midwestern State University

Table of Contents

Foreword by Todd Comstock
Preface by Frank B. Wyatt
1. Rhetoric, Individuality, and Courage
2. Thinking as an Exercise Physiologist
3. Power of Vision and Critical Reflection
4. The Role of the ASEP in Change and Leadership
5. Organizational Culture and Professional Imperatives
6. Dimensions of Ethical Thinking, Politics, and Change
7. Health Insurance, Medical Thinking, and Exercise as Medicine
8. Academics and Teaching