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Translation of Jerome's Chronicon with Historical Commentary

This translation and commentary will make Jerome's Chronicle available in English for the first time. Moreover, its selective notes will clarify Jerome's often terse references to persons, events and places in the fourth century A.D. The extensive bibliography, of both ancient and modern works, will provide guidance for Jerome's own sources. It will also serve to introduce the reader to many modern works that cover the early chronicle tradition as well as the historical period addressed by Jerome's work, because Jerome's Chronicle is concerned largely with imperial Roman history as well as ecclesiastical history.


"The work contains the complete Latin text of St Jerome's extension of the Chronicle, along with Dr Donalson's English translation of it. There is a good introduction which places the work in the context of its times. The commentary, though copious, will be of interest primarily to the historian, since it concentrates on the relationships between our various sources (surviving and lost) for the history of the tumultuous fourth century. The bibliography is ample, and the work should reward its readers amply." - Robert J Edgeworth

". . . wonderfully informative and helpful. . . . Donalson's approach to source criticism, coupled with his clear and unambiguous prose, makes this section of the book informative and rewarding

. . . The commentary, appendices and bibliography will greatly lighten any scholar's work on the Chronicon, for Donalson's admirable efforts allow for convenient cross-referencing to the Latin text, its contents, and possible sources. For anyone interested in the fourth century of this era, I believe that Malcolm Donalson's well-written work will prove to be, in the best Horatian tradition, both useful and entertaining to read." - Erika Thorgerson