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Trial and Renewal of Wilson College

This second volume in the history of Wilson College begins with a discussion of the problems generic to small private colleges in the 1960s and 70s: operating deficits, inflation; campus disturbances, fierce competition for faculty, curriculum changes, falling enrolments, changing student bodies. In February 1979, it was announced that the College was to be closed, which prompted an historic court case. This study then examines the court case and its aftermath.


“Dr. Longacre tells the saga of the court case, the heroics of many individuals, the ultimate successful outcome and the aftermath. She tells the story with the insight of a scholar and the verve of an alumna. She fully appreciates the dedication and manifold efforts of those who cared for the College and would not let it die.” – Margaret Gillett, Ed.D, LL.D, Macdonald Professor of Education Emerita, McGill University

Table of Contents

Table of contents:
1. The Near Demise of Wilson College (1970-1979)
2. Trustees Decide to Close Wilson College
3. On the Eve of the Trial
4. The Trial and its Aftermath
5. Wilson’s Renaissance and the Continuing Struggle for Survival
6. Wilson’s Presidents Since 1979
7. Conclusion: The Concept of a Liberal Arts Education
Appendix: The Beeman Report
Bibliography; Index