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Understanding the Poetry of Jose Manuel Caballero Bonald: The Function of Memory in a Spanish Writer's Art

An inter-disciplinary study of how the Spanish poet Jose Manuel Caballero describes memory and time in his later obra. This text makes use of Heidegger, Bergson, Heraclitus, and several other philosophers, but argues that Heidegger’s Being and Time is the key text from which Caballero drew inspiration.


“Ross Woods’ study is a welcome and impressive addition to existing scholarship on this very significant Spanish writer... it is set apart from other studies.”
-Prof. Sarah Leggott,
University of Wellington

“ This new book marks and important contribution to our understanding of Spanish culture… and constitutes a major advance in scholarship.”

- Prof. Alison de Menezes,
University College Dublin

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Bibliographia
Chapter 2: Time and Memory
The Traditional Concept of Time
The Hellenistic Tradition
Linear Time: Aristotle, Bergson, and James
Augustinian Resonances in Cabellero Bonald’s Treatment of Time
Heidegger’s ‘Moment of Vision’
The Priority of the Future and the Deferral of Memory
Chapter 3: Memory and Identity
Chapter 4: On the Impossible Task of Writing

The Ambiguity of Memory
To Write or Not to Write
‘A Silentio Vindicare’
Chapter 5: The Role of the Poet
Social Conscience and Post-Civil War Spanish Poetry
Uncommitted Commitment: Critica de la Vida
Chapter 6: Conclusion Afterword: La Noche No Tiene Paredes