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Unemployment and Employment Policies Concerning Women in Britain 1900-1951

This study addresses the three major aspects of Britain's discriminatory approach to women's employment laws which were domestic service, broad unemployment and the links between voluntary bodies and the British state

Table of Contents

Table of contents:
Preface; Foreword
Introduction and Overview
1. ‘waking up to the fact that there are any unemployed’: The Neglect of Women: Unemployment and Employment c. 1900-1914
2. The First World War: Voluntary and Public solutions to Unemployment 1914-1918
3. Demobilization and the Central Committee on women’s Training and Employment in the Inter-War Years: Unemployment and the Domestic Solution
4. Government Policy 1918-1939: Discrimination against women and the Anomalies Act (1931)
5. Violet Markham: the Central Committee and the Unemployment Assistance Board during the Inter-War Years
6. The Second World War: employment policy and the Domestic Services Report, 1939-1945
7. Back to Home and Back to the Factory 11945-51: Employment and Domestic Service
Conclusion; Appendix; Bibliography; Index