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Deviant Nurses and Improper Patient Care

Describes that segment of the nursing profession who deviate from the expectations of the public in the performance of their duties. The concept of “cognitive dissonance” is explored in connection with male nurses but fits the entire study here because the very word “nurse” implies a concern for the sick and needy, which some nurses negate by their actions.


Chapter 1 explains the nature of deviance, the various theories of that term, and the major proponents of these theories described in sociological terms. Chapter 2 gives a detailed analysis of the practice in the profession of nursing: the numerical size of the profession and what it entails to be a nurse: the standards, the tasks, the expectations. Chapter 3 describes the nurses who have committed unacceptable acts which have in some way been injurious to patients. Chapter 4 discusses the flawed moral character of nurses who, because of their lack of conscience, have been apprehended because of unethical, dishonest and indecent practices. The “More Vulnerable Ones” are the nurses described in Chapter 5. Discussed here are the numbers of people in this country who died due to preventable in-hospital errors. Chapter 6 describes male nurses, the struggles they are facing, their attitudes, positions and problems in the female world in which they find themselves.

Table of Contents

1. The Nature of Deviance
2. The Caring Profession: Nursing the Sick
3. The Perpetrators
4. Moral Character: Alcoholic Drug Users and Thieves
5. The More Vulnerable Ones
6. Male Nurses
7. Conclusions