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Wing Span



"These are poems you catch out of the corner of your eye. They are clipped and mysterious, riddle-like. . . . The best poems move and warp like funhouse mirrors and use a similar energy with language to refract and scat. . . . the language takes part in this momentum and the details flutter hauntingly." -- A.V. Christie in Belles Lettres

"A light hand is at the controls. Her observations point -- attractively and gracefully. Her poems range from Creeley concision to `new wave' personism . . . she tries it all, which is usual enough, but for Ms. Fish, it pretty much all works." - Bob Holman, St. Mark's Poetry Project Newsletter

"Fresh work -- and often daring. . . " - Lee Upton, author of No Mercy, National Poetry Series Winner

"Both Ms. Fish's progression and individual poems form tapestries of sound, image, emotion, experience and insight, creating an episodic poetry novella of permutations of desire." -- Home Planet News