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Subject Area: Byzantine Studies

An Analysis of the Concepts of Self-Fulfillment and Self-Realization in the Thought of Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II
 Reimers, Adrian J.
2001 0-7734-7464-1 204 pages
By analyzing the logical structure of human acts and habits, this study gives a rigorous interpretation of the notions of integration and self-realization. The analytic tools are drawn from C. S. Peirce’s analysis of habit. However, the direction of the argument is drawn from the writings of Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II). It presents an interpretation of the Wojtyla’s philosophical thinking on the human person and his acts. In Europe, Wojtyla’s thought has grown in importance, especially as its role in the Polish dialogue with Marxism has come to light. His writings are dense and their logical structure is often difficult to ferret out. This study brings sharp conceptual tools to bear on this interpretive task.

 Gvosdev, Nikolas K.
2001 0-7734-7350-5 288 pages
Examines church-state relations from the Eastern Christian tradition, as manifested in the policies and practices of the Byzantine Empire, the Mongol Empire, and medieval Russia, and their implications for modern times.

A Study of the Political and Military History of the Byzantine Empire in the Ninth Century
 Tobias, Norman
2007 0-7734-5405-5 420 pages
Provides a re-examination of the life and accomplishments of Emperor Basil the First (811 - 886) who reigned as sole ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire from 867-886 and established a dynasty that endured for nearly two centuries. Since the publication of Albert Vogt’s, the distinguished French Byzantinist, Basile I'er empereur de Byzance et la civilization à la fin du IXe siècle in 1908, the work has served as the standard reference to the founder of the Macedonian dynasty. However, since that time the scholarly depiction of the ninth century has been altered and illuminated by advances in research and more recent discoveries. The work provides a much needed and long overdue re-examination of this Byzantine emperor.

Conflict Between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire During the Early Avignon Era, 1300-1360
 Renna, Thomas
2013 0-7734-4473-4 620 pages
A valuable book presenting readers with an overarching view of the literature produced during a time of intense conflict between the papacy and secular rulers just before and during the Avignon Papacy from 1300-1360 A.D. Implicit in the discussions is the question of the nature of the Church itself and its role in society.

Eusebius of Caesarea's Imperial Theology and the Politics of the Iconoclastic Controversy
 Bas, Bilal
2013 0-7734-4476-9 376 pages
The Byzantine Iconoclastic controversy (ca. 726-843) was a debate over the legitimacy of the liturgical use of images. It had important political and theological implications, which modern scholarship generally tends to treat unconnectedly. The work explicates the relationship between the political and theological dimensions of the controversy.

History of the Popes in the Twentieth Century. Their Struggle for Spiritual Clarity Against Political Confusion
 Cummings, Owen F.
2008 0-7734-4858-6 300 pages
Provides an in-depth awareness of the complex phenomenon of contemporary Catholicism. In addition to examining papal policies, this work investigates theological movements such as la nouvelle théologie and the Second Vatican Council and its precipitation of the polarization of the conservative and liberal wings of the church.

Iohannis or De Bellis Libycis of Flavius Cresconius Corippus
 Shea, George W.
1998 0-7734-8242-3 232 pages
This is the first modern translation, with a useful introduction, of Corippus’ epic work. It is a major source of historical information about the reign of Justinian and especially about the wars of reconquest which that emperor waged it North Africa. Since it provides a good deal of information about the native Berber tribes of North Africa, it is an important text for ethnographers and anthropologists. Finally, it may be considered the last classical Latin epic. Produced in a Byzantine Christian and North African context, it is also a significant example of literary adaptation.

John XXII and Papal Teaching Authority
 Heft, James
1986 0-88946-815-X 308 pages
A careful study of John XXII's decree Quia quorundam mentes (1324), which was issued against some Spiritual Franciscans. Presents: the historical background; a translation of the decree with commentary on it; a careful analysis of Brian Tierney's theory of a "gulf between the ecclesiology of medieval canonists and the ecclesiology of Vatican I"; and a discussion of the importance of John XXII for papal infallibility today.

Life and Legend of Gerbert of Aurillac
 Flusche, Anna Marie
2005 0-7734-5924-3 208 pages
Born a peasant at the end of the first millennium, Gerbert of Aurillac ascended the chair of Peter as Pope Sylvester II. His meteoric rise in power helped bring about the legend which sprang up after his death. Gerbert distinguished himself in nearly every field of human endeavor. It was as a teacher and a mathematician that he exercised the role of organ builder. A feature unique to this book is the use of sources from a variety of disciplines. In order not to present a one-dimensional (and therefore false) appraisal, this study examines Gerbert in his various roles as letter-writer, mathematician, scientist, politician and churchman.

Notion of Papal Monarchy in the Thirteenth Century: The Idea of Paradigm in Church History
 Harris, Matthew
2011 0-7734-1441-X 160 pages
This work demonstrates that in the thirteenth century there existed a variety of beliefs concerning the papal office. It departs from previous books, which have argued that the hierocratic theory of papal monarchy was systematic in character and the dominant way of understanding the papacy.

Papal Abdication in Later Medieval Thought
 Eastman, John R.
1990 0-88946-831-1 180 pages
In this first extensive work on the subject of papal abdication, the author uses Latin sources not available in English translation to offer a comprehensive account of Peter Olivi's rebuttal of the dissident Spiritual Franciscans as well as a summary of the broader defense of abdication by Giles of Rome.

Paul and Gregory the Great: St. Paul as an Exemplar of Holiness and Pastoral Leadership in the Writings of Pope Gregory the Great: A Study of Personal Sanctity.
 Lupton, Brendan
2017 1-4955-0539-1 276 pages
The Apostle Paul plays an important role in the writings of Gregory the Great, who reserves such distinguished titles for him as egregious praedicator, magnus regendi artifex, and peritus medicus. Gregory cites the Apostle more often than any other scriptural author in the Pastoral Rule and Paul is the second most frequent biblical source in the Moralia outside of the Gosples. Given this prominence, it is worth examining how Gregory uses the letters of Paul in his writings.

Preserving a Good Political Order and a Democratic Republic. Reflections From Philosophy, Great Thinkers, Popes, and America's Founding Era
 Krason, Stephen M.
1998 0-7734-8487-6 232 pages
Examines what the role of the state or political order should be, how the state should treat its citizens, building its analysis substantially around the reflections of great political thinkers, including papal thought, the reasoning and conclusions of realist philosophical texts, and more contemporary commentators. Analyzes not only what elements are needed to build good, stable political orders generally and democratic republics specifically, but what factors have historically caused their decline and fall.

Quaestio De Potestate Papae ( Rex Pacificus) An Enquiry Into the Power of the Pope. A Critical Edition and Translation
 Dyson, R. W.
1999 0-7734-7955-4 128 pages
Long recognized as an important contribution to medieval political debate, a clear and intelligent answer to favourite arguments of the proponents of papal power, Rex Pacificus has hitherto been available only in early edition seemingly printed from a single incomplete manuscript. Dr. Dyson has gone back to the manuscript sources and produced a critical edition of the text, together with an accurate and readable English translation and a helpful introduction and notes.

Relevance of the Property Teaching of Pope Paul VI. An Ancient Teaching in a New Context
 Etling, Mark G.
1993 0-7734-2218-8 215 pages
This study examines in depth the Pope Paul VI's property teaching as contained in his four major social documents: Populorum Progressio (1967); Octogesima Adveniens (1971); De Iustitia in Mundo (1971); and Evangelii Nuntiandi (1975). In each chapter, the topic is situated in its historical setting, followed by a presentation on Christian anthropology. Then a series of related topics are examined, and finally the property teaching itself is discussed under four headings: the right of ownership and the social function of property; the definition of property; the purposes of property; and the role of the state in promoting and protecting property rights.

Rise of the Church of Russia in 9-14th Centuries: Medieval Russian Christian Culture From the Literary Sources and Archeological Evidence
 Moussin, Alexander
2001 0-7734-3372-4 604 pages
Work examines the problems of the Russian Church and Russian medieval culture inclusive of ancient Russian literature and also archeology. The author's research is complemented by 93 beautiful illustrations, extensive bibliography full index, drawings and maps.

Role of the Orthodox Church in Russian History From Byzantine Era to the Present
 Economtsev, Igoumen Ioann
1999 0-7734-3247-7 336 pages
Today when Russia is suffering from economic and political insecurities, this book gives hope through its spiritual insight into the origins and thousand-year-long history of Holy Russ. The work offers new and original insights into the founding of the Byzantine faith as a world religion and a cultural phenomena arising out of the spiritual influences of the Near East and Egypt. In Russian.

 Westhues, Kenneth
2005 0-7734-6060-8 360 pages
This is a fascinating account of the dismissal of a Protestant professor from a prestigious Catholic university through the instigation of the present Pope Benedict XVI. This is a special trade edition of The Envy of Excellence, identical in content except for deletion of the appendix of ten critical commentaries, and addition of an introduction, "Formulating the Question," by Herbert Richardson.

The Relations Between Pre-Islamic Turks and Georgians From the Third to the Ninth Century: A History of Byzantine - Persian Politics in the Caucasus
 Alasania, Giuli
2014 0-7734-0058-3 420 pages
Born out of the gap existing in the Georgian historiography, this work brings a new point of view on the history of the pre-Islamic Turks and their influence and relationships with the Georgians over many centuries of cultural, political, and social interaction.

Theological and Spiritual Dimensions of Icons According to St. Theodore of Studion
 Damian, Theodor
2002 0-7734-6911-7 344 pages
Theodore’s theology of icon, even as it represents a culmination in the field, has not received the attention it deserves. This book systematically combines historical and theological scholarship in a way that illuminates the coherence in the original texts otherwise difficult to understand by contemporary readers. With an existential engagement the study presents the theology of icon and discusses spiritual dimensions and implications in practical life.

Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: A Late Byzantine Recension with Facing Page English Translation (Two Book Set)
 Jackson, Donald F.
2010 0-7734-3843-2 724 pages
This edition of Cyropaedia includes the readings preferred in Byzantine times and those discarded to produce a full critical apparatus. It provides scholars with a new text of the semi-historical life of the founder of the Persian Empire and insight into the methods of scholars from the last great Byzantine renaissance.