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Subject Area: T.S. Eliot

 Warner, Martin
1999 0-7734-8176-1 148 pages

Commentary on T. S. Eliot's Poem the Waste Land: The Infertility Theme and the Poet's Unhappy Marriage
 Claes, Paul
2012 0-7734-2651-5 228 pages
Claes argues that The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is actually indicative of infertility in his marriage. While also cracking several riddles that Eliot put into the poem, this book provides ample evidence that the work is auto-biographical in nature. Claes provides line-by-line analysis of the poem, and the introduction presents six interpretive keys facilitating a systematic decoding. Textual arrangement, thematic recurrence, metaphorical syncretism, mythical method, allegorical representation, and inter-textual reference may help the reader to penetrate the multiple mysteries of the poem.

Deconstruction of T. S. Eliot - The Fire and the Rose
 Austin, William J.
1996 0-7734-4222-7 300 pages
This study examines the deconstructive themes and methods which inform T. S. Eliot's prose and poetry, and demonstrates that, long before Jacques Derrida intervened in the area of literary analysis, Eliot had already developed the principles now enshrined as deconstruction. After a brief introduction, the initial chapter is devoted to an in-depth analysis of Derrida's major texts. Once this groundwork is laid, chapter two begins the analysis of Eliot by revisiting his dissertation of F. H. Bradley with particular attention to those theoretical pronouncements that anticipate the direction of Derrida's thought. Further chapters forge a link between Derrida, the dissertation, and Eliot's essays on literature; and extend the analysis into "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," "Gerontion," The Waste Land, "Ash Wednesday," Four Quartets, Murder in the Cathedral, and The Family Reunion.

Development of T. S. Eliot’s Style From Poetry to Poetic Drama: Dialogism, Carnivalization, and Music
 Yang, Carol L.
2011 0-7734-1561-0 364 pages
This book is a detailed investigation of T. S. Eliot’s work in the light of Bakhtin’s theories of dialogism and carnival. It employs a new paradigm for interpreting Eliot’s work, offering new points of analysis regarding, in particular, his later works.

Modernist Image
 Lewis, Ethan
2007 0-7734-5758-5 252 pages
This book builds on previous research to scrutinize the poetry of Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot through the lens of Imagism. While Pound eventually disassociated himself from the Imagist movement and Eliot never belonged to it, it was still an influence on the development of these two poets. Therefore, Imagism is essential to a proper understanding of certain elements in the works of these twentieth-century poets.

Religious Quest in the Poetry of T. S. Eliot
 Phillips, Caroline
1995 0-7734-9152-X 104 pages
This volume presents a reading of poems directly related to the poet's quest for God. A certain measure of literary discussion is necessary in the exploration of poems so erudite and often so obscure to many readers, but this book illuminates those aspects which reveal his importance as a religious writer, the journey of the man in search of God. Eliot's poetry shows that out of the isolation, confusion and complexity of that journey can come a realization of community, simplicity and calm.

T. S. Eliot's Major Poems: An Indian Interpretation
 Dwivedi, A. N.
1982 0-7734-0167-9 152 pages
Traces the Indian elements in the poetry of Eliot with the focus of the book on The Waste Land and Four Quartets. Designed to interest both general readers and scholars with comparative and inter-disciplinary approaches to literature.

T. S. Eliot in Baghdad: A Study in Eliot's Influence on the Iraqi and Arab Free Verse Movement
 Jawad, Abdul Sattar
2014 0-7734-0074-5 304 pages
The book sheds new light on the revolutionary influence of Eliot’s poetry on the free verse movement in Iraq and Lebanon, especially on the mythical poets: Al-Sayyab, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Yusuf Al-Khal, Khalil Hawi and Adonis known as the Tammuzi Poets. The writer is one of Eliot’s best translators and who personally knew all five of the modern mythical poets.

T. S. Eliot's Dramatic Pilgrimage a Progress in Craft as an Expression of Christian Perspective
 Kari, Daven M.
1991 0-88946-688-2 220 pages
Examination of Eliot's major contributions to verse drama and his adoption of dramatic methods to express his maturing religious beliefs in his plays. Explores Eliot's movement from presenting saintly solitude as the path to spiritual renewal, to offering communal affirmation as an equally viable avenue to peace with self, society, and God. Treats Eliot's biographical and theological development, emphasizing the philosophical and theological convictions influencing his plays. Studies the development of his use of characterization, verse technique, and elements of stage craft within the thematic movement from solitary suffering to communal affirmation, and from love that betrays to love that redeems.

T. S. Eliot's Use of Popular Sources
 Jaidka, Manju
1997 0-7734-8658-5 184 pages
This unconventional study of T. S. Eliot is based on the conviction that Eliot is not just a "difficult" poet who wrote for intellectual readers, but also a writer for the common man. This volume focuses on three popular sources: nonsense poetry of the sort written by Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear, detective fiction and the music-hall/vaudeville tradition. The study makes use of unpublished material from rare book libraries (including the New York Public Library, the Houghton at Harvard, the Beinecke at Yale, and the Harry Ramson Center at Austin). The theoretical premises are derived from critics like Roman Jakobson and Mikhail Bakhtin.

How T. S. Eliot Uses Symbols and Rhythms to Plumb Mystical Meaning
 Spencer, Michael
2008 0-7734-5058-0 148 pages
While several books have dealt with the Buddhism of T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets, none have focused on its Christian side, though this aspect is far more fundamental to the poem.