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Subject Area: United Nations

Non-Governmental Organizations in Ethiopia
 Telake, Daniel Sahleyesus
2005 0-7734-6088-8 336 pages
This study examines the relations between Southern and Northern Non-Governmental Development Organizations based on patterns that the author observed in Ethiopia. Southern, or as alternatively called in this study, Local NGOs (LNGOs) and Northern NGOs (NNGOs), mainly use the term ‘partnership’ to describe their mutual relation and it has become a fashionable term among the larger development community. The evidence at hand suggests that ‘partnership’ has been perceived by most, if not all, as a superior type of relationship, but its practice is widely questioned by the local NGOs. The relationship is structured in such a way that the Northern NGO is the one financing the LNGO and transfers trust, which the trustee (the LNGO) is expected to be deserving of it. However, the relationship is not only about finance. Ideas, approaches and better forms of practice are also part of the relationship. Building mutual trust between the two groups would require genuine commitment on both sides.

This study demonstrates the existence of different types of relationships between Northern and local NGOs in Ethiopia. From the perspective of LNGOs, these relationships range from very poor (donor-recipient type) to that of fairly satisfactory (close to partnership) along a continuum. Generally speaking, solidarity-based relationships resemble most closely the model of genuine partnerships with church-based relationships coming in as a good second variety. Paternalism or domination was more frequently suffered by small NGOs working with fluctuating partners. This work will interest those working in the field of international development.

Politicization of the United Nations Specialized Agencies a Case Study of UNESCO
 Dutt, Sagarika
1995 0-7734-9106-6 320 pages
This book compares the views of the US Department of State on the politicization of UNESCO with those of other people and then discusses scholarly analyses of the phenomenon. Various cases of politicization, which occurred from 1946 to 1987, have been examined to ascertain the causes and UNESCO's efforts to deal with the problem, as well as the extent to which it has been successful. Cases include UNESCO's involvement in the Korean war, colonialism and racism, the preservation of the cultural property of Jerusalem, and the NIEO and NWICO. Finally, the book also discusses the US and UK withdrawals and the role played by the Director-General, Mr. M'Bow.

Role of the United Nations in Peace and Security, Global Development and Global Governance
 Hordijk, Michaela
2007 0-7734-5305-9 320 pages
The various scholarly contributions which make up this volume combine a history of the development of the United Nations with a discussion of some of the most pertinent issues on the international agenda: terrorism, peacekeeping, human rights, and the Millennium Development Goals. This study will appeal to those interested in a comprehensive understanding of the organizational flaws and potential of the United Nations in the twenty-first century.

U.S. Veto and the Polemics of the Question of Palestine in the United Nations Security Council, 1972-2007
 Ross-Nazzal, James
2008 0-7734-5062-9 208 pages
This is the first work of its kind to specifically examine the use of the United States veto in the United Nations Security Council in reference to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Thus, the book fills the void in the historiography and it provides interested parties with a new way of examining a conflict that has recently entered its ninth decade since the publication of the Balfour Declaration.

United Nations and Arms Embargoes Verification
 Knight, W. Andy
1998 0-7734-8256-3 220 pages
This analysis explores political, legal, operational and financial aspects of applying verification in the context of UN arms embargoes. This book focuses on the lessons learned from the monitoring experience, particularly the recent cases of Iraq and the former Yugoslavia, and offers specific recommendations for improving verification regimes in the future.

United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
 Solà-Martín, Andreu
2006 0-7734-5625-2 216 pages
This book is the first comprehensive study on the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO). Its aim is to not only to fill a gap in the literature on peacekeeping, but also to explore the implications and links between the mechanisms put in place by this peacekeeping mission in relation to conflict resolution. MINURSO has halted violent interactions between warring parties, but it failed to implement the other aspects of its mandate.

The first part of this study is structured around three main tasks which are undertaken by MINURSO in response to conflict: peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. MINURSO is also evaluated in light of the conclusions of the Brahimi panel related to reforms to UN Peacekeeping Operations. The second part examines the operative analytical potential of new theoretical grounds in peacekeeping research. In particular, this research explores perspectives from critical theories to look at the links between peacekeeping, Western policies of conflict containment and the parties’ (Morocco and POLISARIO Front) production of power/knowledge.

United Nations' Efforts to Outlaw Arms in Outer Space a Brief History with Key Documents
 Menon, P. K.
1989 0-88946-587-8 212 pages

Vatican Diplomacy at the United Nations: A History of Catholic Global Engagement
 Melnyk, Roman A.
2009 0-7734-3881-5 288 pages
This work examines the international status of the Holy See from 1870-1929, the participation of the Holy See in the early stages of development of UN agencies and the legal status of the Permanent Observer in view of relevant special law and diplomatic law. It also analyzes the development of CIC canons in the process of the revision of the Code of Canon Law, the presence of laity in the context of pontifical representation, the range of involvement of the Holy See in the United Nations, and the work of the Permanent Observer of the Holy See in the context of the mission of the Church.