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Subject Area: Venezuela

La Narrativa De Salvador Garmendia Más Allá De La Rázon
 Rodríguez, Yesenia M.
1997 0-7734-2215-3 108 pages
Salvador Garmendia is undoubtedly one of the most important Venzuelan and Latin American contemporary writers. He has been associated with the Latin American "boom" of the 60s along with Gabriel García Márquez, Carlos Fuentes, and Mario Vargas Llosa. Garmendia is said to be the first Venzuelan writer to leave behind the old regional patterns to incorporate in his writing the alienation of urban man. Garmendia's characters are not fighting against a powerful and devouring nature but rather against a dehumanizing city. Garmendia's short stories and novels contain excellent descriptions of the neurosis caused by city life and are distinguished for descriptive and blunt language. Carlos Fuentes has said that Garmendia is one of those writers who writes as object and subject, and his descriptions are born of his microscopic eye for detail. In Spanish.