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Subject Area: Writing-History

The Mirror Metaphor in Modern Spanish Literary Aesthetics
 Schlig, Michael
2004 0-7734-6190-6 180 pages
Mirrors that appear as motifs in the visual arts and literature abound throughout the history of all cultures of the world. Given its universality, the mirror often has served has a metaphor for introspection, self-contemplation and even autobiography, and has symbolized the structuring of works of fiction and drama. This study specifically examines the figurative mirrors that not only call attention to some aspect of the content of the work in which they appear, but also to the aesthetics with which that content is expressed. As such, it follows in the tradition of works such as M.H. Abrams's landmark study of the transition from Neoclassicism to Romanticism in England The Mirror and the Lamp and Marguerite Iknayan's The Concave Mirror: From Imitation to Expression in French Esthetic Theory: 1800–1830, but differs in that it seeks to incorporate theoretical and historical considerations of visual representation to the study of the mirror analogy in writing. Most importantly, and to the best of my knowledge, no such study exists that examines the mirror metaphor of representation in the literary tradition of Spain.

While the mirror metaphor is such a commonplace throughout the centuries of artistic and literary aesthetics, surprisingly little more than the two above-mentioned studies exist that explore the motivations underlying use of the mirror analogy. This study incorporates contemporary theories of semiotics and reader response along with more eclectic and traditional approaches to aesthetics in order to address the theoretical implications raised by the appearance of the metaphor in evolving contexts (i.e., across artistic movements and periods). In light of this, the theoretical and comparative considerations throughout the study could also be of interest to scholars and students of French, English and comparative literatures in spite of the focus on the Spanish tradition.

 McKenzie, Tim
2003 0-7734-6570-7 284 pages
This book examines the poetry of George Herbert, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and R. S. Thomas in light of their shared experience as poets who were also priests. While having twin vocations is a constant that unites them, the poets’ vocational experiences differ markedly in line with the variable periods in which they wrote. Thus each comes up with quite different answers to the question of whether the Voice of the Muse is the same as the Voice of God.

Studies in Goethe, Schiller, Forster, Berlepsch, Wieland, Herder, and Steiner
 Gallagher, David
2011 0-7734-1480-0 312 pages
The essays contained in this volume address topics that often overlooked in existing scholarship. The book considers a wider circle of writers of Weimar Classicism and takes into account writers affected and impacted in their lives by the classical project. This present volume includes essays on the main two proponents of Weimar Classicism: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Friedrich Schiller. Others, who lived in Weimar, or were affected by the culture of Weimar Classicism include: Georg Forster and Emilie Berlepsch, Christoph Martin Wieland, Johann Gottfried Herder, and Rudolf Steiner, and the aim is to analyse these writers from predominantly fresh perspectives, using different themes with the intention of continuing to explore and elucidate the extremely complex area of Weimar Classicism.