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Subject Area: Writing-Technique/Process

Approaches to Teaching and Assessing Compositions of ESL/EFL Students: A Collection of Essays
 Johnson, Theresa M.
2024 1-4955-1198-7 208 pages
"This book is a collection of essays from conferences centering on the challenges of teaching and assessing compositions of ESL/EFL or second language (L2) students. The contributing authors have developed practices within their pedagogies that have worked in language institutes and university classrooms. ...The chapters in this collection include tried-and-true, research-based assessments, ranging from multimodal midterms to daily formative to ungraded assessments. Moreover, the essays explore the use of digital tools to encourage collaboration and creativity in multilingual classrooms." (From the Editors' Introduction)

Elizabeth Jennings: An Appraisal of Her Life as a Poet, Her Approach to Her Work and a Selection of the Major Themes of Her Poetry
 Gramang, Gerlinde
1995 0-7734-1278-6 120 pages
The opening chapters of this study deal with Elizabeth Jennings' life and work as a whole, including her early life, her career as a writer, the major influences on her poetry including T. S. Eliot as well as Hopkins and Auden. Later chapters portrays the poet's approach to writing poetry, and then examine four major themes: Love, Art, Religion, and Death, analyzing poems illustrating each theme. The author had a personal interview and correspondence with Jennings during the course of her research. The volume includes the text of the interview.

Experience & Objectivity in the Writings of Rafael SÁnchez Ferlosio
 Squires, Jeremy S.
1998 0-7734-8239-3 264 pages
This study analyses the work of a spanish writer who in the 1950s was considered to be one of the foremost peninsular novelists of his generation. Known principally for his two early novels, Industrias y andanzas de Alfanhuí and El Jarama, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio is often thought to have fallen silent since his second novel won the prestigious Nadal Prize in 1955, even though he has continued to write and publish just as extensively as before, albeit with less emphasis on the composition of fiction. This book provides, for the first time, an exposition of his philosophical writings – those on learning and cognition (as they emerge from his discussion, in the Comentarios (1973) of Jean Itard’s largely unsuccessful attempts to educate the wild boy of Aveyron) as well as those on reading, writing, and the nature of creativity in his quasi-Cervantine work, Las Semanas del jardín (1974). A consideration of these ‘forgotten’ works entails a reassessment both of Sánchez Ferlosio’s novels, particularly El Jarama, and a critique of some of the critical orthodoxies which have grown up around the objetivista movement of the 1950s.

Multidisciplinary Study of Fiction Writing
 Bloor, Anthony
2003 0-7734-6800-5 392 pages
Models of the writing process are used in teaching, research, and the design of software tools for writers. This study constructs a model of fiction writing. It approaches the subject in an investigative fashion, looking firstly at the range of models in current use. The result is a basic model of writing, which encapsulates the findings of empirical research into writing behavior. It shows that current theories of writing make assumptions about language, whose roots can be traced to Chomsky’s transformational grammar and its forebears. To add specificity to the basic model, the study turns to Saussure’s view of language as a system of signs, and pursues the idea that semiology and literary theory can be used to develop theories of writing as well as of reading. It discusses work by Jakobson, Genette, Todorov and Barthes, and proposes a hypothesis about the ways in which fiction writers create meanings. Written for readers in the humanities, it will be of equal value to any scholar who is interested in the theory and practice of writing.

Nine Writers of Postmodernist Metafiction: Explaining the Literary Tricks that Undo Realistic Discourse
 El-Meligi, Eman
2014 0-7734-4297-9 244 pages
A fascinating analysis of postmodernist metafictional writers offering a unique juxtapositioning of authors from distinct cultural worlds with their varied fictional narrative techniques. A must read for comparative literature, postmodernist fiction and cultural studies interests.

Studies in Twentieth-Century Diaries: The Concealed Self
 Aronson, Alex
1991 0-88946-385-9 135 pages
Studies the diary as a metaphor of the continuous flow of time in a person's life, evoking the writer's often capricious and fragmentary recall of the past, and his daily attempt to transform memory into images that are appended as if they existed outside or beyond time. Contends that diaries supply the evidence that there is a need to engrave phrases and dates to "protect them from oblivion."

Letters as a Primary Source for Researchers and Serious Readers
 Tipper, Karen Sasha Anthony
2016 1-4955-0445-X 112 pages
This study provides the information future editors of letters will need when they undertake the task of searching for, selecting, and editing letters of a person whose published letters, they believe, will make an important contribution to scholarship as well as being of interest to general readers.

Use of Imaginary, Historical and Actual Maps in Literature: How British and Irish Authors Created Imaginary Worlds to Tell Their Stories ( Defoe, Swift, Wordsworth, Kipling, Joyce, Tolkien)
 Wyatt, John
2013 0-7734-4547-1 448 pages
Highlights unrecorded discoveries about how maps and literature are associated. Not only do maps give us a tool by which to understand a physical reality as it actually exists, but maps can support the realm of literary fiction – such as Tolkien’s Middle Earth, or Stevenson’s Treasure Island.

Whole Writer's Catalog: An Introduction to Advanced Composition
 Simard, Rodney
1992 0-7734-9926-1 280 pages
This textbook gives information to advanced students and practical applications to familiarize them with different writing contexts. It focuses on primary skills required to succeed at writing, and prepares students for writing opportunities encountered after they leave college.