Ulloth, Dana
Dr. Dana R. Ulloth is Professor of Mass Communications at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. in Radio, Film, and Television Studies from the University of Missouri.
2024 1-4955-1242-8"Because public art enriches the human experience and fosters a sense of community, it is gaining more attention in public and academic circles. This book hopes to contribute to that dialog. ...This book on public art in the United States includes three sections: Ten works of public art of national and international significance; ten portals to virtual art; and 80 works distributed among the 50 states and the District of Columbia." (Dr. Dana Ulloth, "Preface")
2007 0-7734-5316-4This work analyzes the aesthetics of television design in the broader context of art history and theory while examining the motivations, work practices, and creative ambitions of contemporary design practitioners. Based on interviews of the graphic artists who produce such works, this book offers, for the first time, first-hand information about how these individuals understand their own work. The underlying question studied was: do these individuals fulfill an artistic objective in how they approach their craft? The result is a highly detailed qualitative insight into how television graphic designers work and view their craft that can provide the basis for later research.
2020 1-4955-0802-1Dr. Dana Ulloth looks in the history of gun regulation in the United States from the founding of America to our modern age. He argues that the interpretation of second has moved from its earliest pro-regulation interpretation to an anti-regulation interpretation over that time period.
2020 1-4955-0803-XDr. Dana Ulloth looks in the history of gun regulation in the United States from the founding of America to our modern age. He argues that the interpretation of second has moved from its earliest pro-regulation interpretation to an anti-regulation interpretation over that time period.
2020 1-4955-0820-XDr. Dana Ulloth reproduces the colonial constitutions of the original thirteen colonies, plus Vermont. The book includes the text of the constitutions, and notes on the details of the constitutions, the creation of them, and interesting quirks of them. It is intended to be a resource to watch the
2021 1-4955-0837-4This book is about 50 women and men who were innocent of any crime that merited them dying, but they nevertheless paid the ultimate price. They were the wrong color, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, confronted by the wrong person with too much power.
2020 1-4955-0838-2This book is about 50 women and men who were innocent of any crime that merited them dying, but they nevertheless paid the ultimate price. They were the wrong color, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, confronted by the wrong person with too much power.
2024 1-4955-1211-8This is a softcover book.
"When Hamas launched a deadly attack on a concert of innocent civilians on October 7, 2023, I was shocked by its brutality and the loss of life. What if a member of my family had been at the concert or visiting with friends that day? The pain felt by families who lost a son or daughter, a brother or sister, was very tangible to me. But the day also reminded me how many leaders have vainly sought a solution that would bring peace to the region so that Jews and Arabs and others could pursue productive lives free from fear for their lives, families, or homes. ...The principal vehicle has been a "two-state" one. Yet a deal based on it has not happened. Perhaps the time has arrived to consider other potential paths. Although usually rejected, I found myself considering what the prospects might be if Palestinians were to move to a more welcoming destination. Today's world is vastly different from the one of a generation ago. ...Is such an option one that might be relevant as the world community seeks a way forward for the Israeli-Hamas conflict? I decided to investigate the history and ramifications of a carefully planned and executed relocation program and how it might benefit a host nation, the Palestinians, Israelis, and the world community. This book is a result of that quest." -Dr. Dana Ulloth (from the Preface)
2018 1-4955-0648-7The book presents the unique perspective of people who created entertainment that also served as an advertising vehicle while trying to reach national audiences. The record shows that
Kraft Television Theatre was part of a continuum that spanned several media beginning with live theater and vaudeville, continuing through radio, evolving into live television, and eventually becoming part of a complex mix of broadcast television, cable television, and satellite broadcasting. The work particularly focuses on Stanley Quinn, Edmund Rice and Harry Herrmann.
2018 1-4955-0701-7The book traces the evolution of two technologies - elevators and air-conditioning - until they became essential elements of the "skyscraper". It examines several turning points in detail, alongside the economic and social consequences of these two technologies.
2022 1-4955-0941-9From the author's Introduction:
"The relationship of civil government to religious enterprise was important to most of the people who participated in the formation of the United States of America and its original thirteen states (and later that of Vermont). How they approached the matter in their states and later at the national level when they created a new constitution is the topic of this book. Indeed, there was a significant difference in how state legislatures approached the matter and how the Constitutional Convention did in 1786."
2024 1-4955-1269-XThis essay shows that Kamala Harris, the daughter of immigrant persons from two widely separated parts of the world understands the dedication to the success of the middle class, and to the wide diversity of people in the nation. ...The record she built up in California, rising from a county district attorney's office to occupy the position of attorney general for the state, demonstrates her ability to confront barriers and succeed. -Dana Ulloth ("Introduction")
2021 1-4955-0874-9Dr. Ulloth examines the data concerning raw numbers of civilians that are killed by Police. He examines the perception of the numbers and the interesting realities found within the data. It considers the reasons for the disparities between public perception and the raw data.
2023 1-4955-1144-8This is a softcover book.
"For many years, an active exchange of journalists between newsroom and classroom have been fostered in the view that is essential to improving standards. This is the story of one reporter's complicated path to becoming a faculty member. In 2020, the Hussman School of Journalism at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill opened discussions with Nikole Hannah-Jones, a journalist and opinion writer at the New York Times, about joining its faculty. Hannah-Jones had been responsible for "The 1619 Project," and effort that tried to recast the American story around the role that slavery had played." -from the author's Introduction
2022 1-4955-0938-9From Chapter 1:
"The nomination of Barrett provided a need to again examine how judges go about their interpretation of the
Constitution. Prospective justices, have usually said that they read the Constitution through one (or sometimes more) lens. Many have adopted multiple techniques as a means for seeking the most precise meaning of a provision in the Constitution. Any treatment of a Justice’s practices must consider all of the methods adopted in his or her opinions and dissents.
The following provides a brief explanation of each of the four of the eight dominant theories that have guided recent justices in their approach to reading the founding documents of the nation.
2021 1-4955-0898-6The purpose of this book is to point out that capitalist system in place in the United States is not currently working as efficiently as it might to maximize opportunities for all citizens to both enjoy the benefits and contribute to the continued success of capitalism.
2021 1-4955-0839-0In this book Dr. Ulloth has preserved the words of George Floyd and the officers and observers during the final few minutes of his life.
2020 1-4955-0840-4In this book Dr. Ulloth has preserved the words of George Floyd and the officers and observers during the final few minutes of his life.
2020 1-4955-0767-XThis book reviews the broad sweep of English Common Law, colonial application of English principles, and continued evolution after the establishment of the United States with its Second Amendment. It found that states took two-pronged approach: one dealt with weapons in the hands of militias for the protection of their community ; the other imposed numerous restrictions on the ownership of guns by individuals for their own purposes.
2022 1-4955-1038-7[Hardcover Edition] "One of the reasons the founders created a multi-seat court was to ensure that a diversity of knowledge and opinion would help to bring balance to its opinions. With the emergence of the new originalist block, decisions have become increasingly uniform in content. ...As I read the opinions, a question arose that seemed to demand attention: To what were the originalists being faithful? Was it to the principles of the republican government defined in the Constitution, or was it to the religious content of the justice's ideology? To answer the question, it was necessary to identify two doctrines: one secular, one religious...." -from the Author's "Introduction"
2022 1-4955-1044-1[Softcover Edition] "One of the reasons the founders created a multi-seat court was to ensure that a diversity of knowledge and opinion would help to bring balance to its opinions. With the emergence of the new originalist block, decisions have become increasingly uniform in content. ...As I read the opinions, a question arose that seemed to demand attention: To what were the originalists being faithful? Was it to the principles of the republican government defined in the Constitution, or was it to the religious content of the justice's ideology? To answer the question, it was necessary to identify two doctrines: one secular, one religious...." -from the Author's "Introduction"
2024 1-4955-1251-7This is a softcover book.
"Now that the birth rate or fertility rate in the United States has begun a downward trajectory, we must step up. We must first understand that a child is an economic unit as well as the perfect reproduction of its parents. We must understand that children have changed from being an economic asset to an economic liability, making cost a major factor for the drop in fertility. We must consider the hard economic realities of childbearing and the consequences of allowing the nation's population to disintegrate. Finally, we must realize that adjusting our capitalistic system to compensate for the forthcoming crisis is not a socialistic impulse but a hardheaded attempt to preserve the private enterprise system and the democratic republic we all love by ensuring that customers and employees are available to meet forthcoming demands." -Dr. Dana Ulloth ("Preface")