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Subject Area: Philosophy-Logic

Diamondsutra's Logic of Not and a Critique of Katz’s Contextualism
 Nagatomo, Shigenori
2006 0-7734-5807-7 200 pages
The “logic of not” proposes a holistic way of understanding things, which is contrasted with Aristotelean either-or logic, while “A Critique of Katz’s Contextualism” examines Katz’s contextualist’s position from the point of view of the logic of not. The “logic of not” is a careful philosophical examination of the Diamondsutra's, a Mayahana Buddhist sutra, which has influenced the formation of Zen Buddhism, while “A Critique of Katz’s Contextualism” critically investigates various philosophical issues Steven Katz mounts in order to build his contextualist’s position.

Anglo-Ukrainian Studies in the Analysis of Scientific Discourse Reason and Rhetoric
 Harré, Rom
1993 0-7734-9284-4 148 pages
This study examines two aspects of science that have become important in the post-logicist period. It shows how the organization of scientific discourse is more clearly disclosed when we analyze it as a persuasive rhetoric. Logic itself shifts from being taken as a universal grammar to being seen as one among several devices for securing the conviction of one's readers or audiences. Provides a formal characterization of aesthetic criteria, and an awareness of the influence of social factors from outside the scientific community. Explores several ways in which their mutual influence can be identified.

Foundations of Rational Argument
 Keene, G.B.
1992 0-7734-9191-0 144 pages
The main emphasis of this book is on the application of logic to ordinary language, on practice rather than theory. Although intended primarily as an academic textbook, the first half of the book is designed to be largely accessible to the non-specialist. Part I discusses how the precision of formal logic can be reconciled with the vagueness of natural language. Part II offers for assessment a selection of passages which constitute actual cases of drawing conclusions from premises in a variety of subjects. The procedure used in assessing them takes account of the need, not always recognized, indeed sometimes emphatically denied, for the logic critic to involve himself in the subject-matter of the argument. This meticulous analysis also makes it abundantly clear that what counts in practice as `well-argued' is, although faulty from the strictly formal point of view, nevertheless open to reconstruction as formally well-arguable. The question of logical, and often very practical, interest is what the proponent of the argument would have to add for the conclusion actually to follow. This book will sensitize the reader to logical `wool-pulling'. Guidance on the answers to selected exercises is given in an appendix.

La théorie du langage de Pierre-Simon Bellanche
 Busst, Alan J. L.
2000 0-7734-7456-0 264 pages
This book analyses for the first time the complex and wide-ranging theory of language which lies at the heart of Ballanche’s philosophical system. His sporadic, fragmentary passages, scattered throughout his works, are gathered together here, and presented with a detailed analysis of the theory, both in the context of the historical, religious, social and political system it supports, and also in relation to the earlier and contemporary philosophies of language which it seeks either to uphold or to disprove. In French.

Language of Reason
 Keene, G.B.
1993 0-7734-9305-0 180 pages
This book on clear thinking is untypical in its emphasis on constructive criticism, as opposed to the purely negative approach often associated with logic. It examines the difference between valid and invalid arguments, and steers the reader through some actual and interesting passages of extended non-technical reasoning. In this respect, it prepares the ground for the semi-formal approach to the subject made in the author's recent companion volume Foundations of Rational Argument.

Logic in Philosophy and Philosophical Logic
 Smirnova, E. D.
2000 0-7734-3152-7 392 pages

Logic of Poetic Language
 Carroll, III, William M.
2011 0-7734-2550-0 304 pages
This historical analysis examines the grammar of nineteenth century poetry and the ways it impacts modern thought. According to Carroll, grammar shapes the meanings that shape our beliefs and therefore our actions. Drawing on the philosophies of Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Cavell, as well as the ponderings of Kuhn and Gould Carroll argues that during the late nineteenth century, science shaped an authoritative form of grammar for poetry, which moved it away from a blend of poetry, philosophy, and religion. Carroll concludes that the mode of knowing offered in poetry is essential developing a peaceable coexistence in our current global culture.

Logic of Rational Theism. Exploratory Essays
 Craig, William Lane
1990 0-88946-369-7 260 pages
Covers three broad areas: religious epistemology, theistic arguments, and God's relationship to human life, value, and the world. Three essays evaluate and extend the recent suggestion that beliefs about God do not need discursive evidence to be held rationally. Four essays take up the contemporary interest in arguments for God's existence. Two consider the Kalam cosmological argument, a third the theological argument and its relationship to the Anthropic principle and a fourth develops an epistemological argument for God's existence. The remaining five essays consider the doctrine of God's providence, the meaning of life, the Euthyphro dilemma, the nature of death, and virtue theory.

Logic of the Believing Mind
 Aldwinckle, Russell
1995 0-7734-9068-X 644 pages

Numerical Term Logic
 Szabolcsi, Lorne
2008 0-7734-5027-0 140 pages
This is an edited volume of the unpublished work of numerical logic pioneer, Lorne Szabolcsi, who died suddenly at age 28.

Selfhood as Thinking Thought in the Work of GabrielMarcel
 Peccorini Letona, Francisco
1987 0-88946-329-8 200 pages
Examines Marcel's concept of the human subject as a pensée pensante which participates directly in the subjective life of Being, since, in Marcellian theory, "blind intuition" pervades the whole life of human reason and frees it from the limitations of logic.